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    Hi Megan,

    Thats great that your grandad will be getting a second opinion and please let us know how he gets on with this and what they recommend etc. I know you said that the original stent was replaced due to an infection, when was the second stent placed? Lainy is right about it taking time for the jaundice to dissapear once a stent starts working as it should, but if it seems to be taking too long then it could indeed be blocked again. What has the doctor said about the jaundice recently?

    And you are doing the right thing for your grandad in seeking further information and also in visiting him every day. And I am sure that he so looks forward to seeing you each day! I know that this is hard to watch but you sound strong and I know how much this will mean to your grandad. We are here for you.

    Best wishes,



    Dear Megan, you are one great Granddaughter! I would definitely get that second opinion! Just an FYI, once someone has jaundice it does take a few months for the total color to leave, however if it is still the same shade as before, his stent could be blocked. He really needs to be seen, now. Loss of appetite goes with the territory so instead of big meals see if you can get him to ‘graze’ during the day. Small things and perhaps a nutritional drink like Carnation Instant Breakfast blended with a banana or other fruit. It has enough nutrients to take the place of a full meal. Please keep us posted on how he is doing.


    Thank you all for the wonderful support/feedback, it definitely means a lot.

    He is currently being treated at Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton, Ontario. The only current option that we have been told by the doctor as of right now is that he would only be able to get one strong shot of radiation that could possibly give him months to maybe 2 years.

    The only problem is is that he can’t seem to shake the jaundice. He has a hard time eating a lot & has lost 25lbs since this all began back in March. I try to visit every day & when I do, he is usually in good spirits (he’s always been a jokester) but it is hard to see him so skinny & sick. He has taught Tai-Chi for years & years & we can all see that not being able to do that right now is also taking a toll.

    I do believe we are getting a second opinion. Again, thank you all xoxo.


    Megan…a warm welcome from me to you. I found a previous posting regarding a second opinion:


    Hi Megan,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry also to hear about your Grandad. But I am glad that you have joined us all here as you’ve come to the best place for support and help, and you will get tons of both from all of us here. We also have many members here from Canada and I’m sure that some of them will also be along soon to welcome you here.

    The jaundice and the yellowing of the skin/eyes is very common with this cancer and for many it is the first sign that something is wrong. My dad had this too and it was his first symptom, and once diagnosed he was also diagnosed with inoperable CC. And like you feel also, my dads diagnosis also came as an extreme shock to us too.

    Where abouts in Canada is your gandfather being treated right now? The more information that you can give us the better we will be able to help. What have his doctors said to you all so far about possible treatments, chemo etc? And Percy is right about the Princess Margaret in Toronto and I believe that some of our members and their loved ones have been treated there.

    I know that over time you will have a ton of questions, please feel free to ask them and we’ll do what we can to help in answering them. I know that your head will be spinning right now, this is common. Keep coming back here and let us know how your Grandad gets on. We know what you are going through right now and we care.

    Best wishes,



    As far as I know, princess Margaretvhospital in Toronto is the #one cancer research in Canada ; and experience in this disease. I will suggest to get a 2nd opinion from them before staring anything chemotherapy locally.
    God bless.


    Hello everyone.
    My name is Megan.

    My Grandfather was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma less than a month ago.
    Scary because this is our family’s first dealing with any kind of cancer, & it came as such a shock because my Grandfather is super healthy & super active.

    It all started with him not feeling very well the first weekend in March. He was sent to the hospital where they first thought it was gallstones…he was also very yellow. He was later referred to another hospital where he was diagnosed with this type of cancer after getting a biopsy from the tumour in his bile duct. We were told it was inoperable because of where the tumour is. He got a stent placed into his bile duct, but then two weeks later he got an infection & had to have the stent replaced & have a biopsy done from his liver, which we should have the results by the end of this week. He also has a nurse that comes every other day.

    Our family is shocked…this whole process hasn’t been easy, especially since there is not a lot of information on this type of cancer. I’m glad that I stumbled upon this website & thank you to all of you who post their experiences.

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