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    Hi codfish,
    I took Gemcitibine and Cisplatin together and had mild side effects. I was diagnosed Stage IV ICC in 2010 and our local doctors did not have experience with this type of cancer so we were referred to The Cleveland Clinic. I think it is important to find a multidisciplinary team that has experience in treating CC. Please don’t give up hope, there are many on is site that have become operable after chemo. If you would like to talk please feel free to call me.


    codfish….(love your name) I too would like to welcome you to our site. Gemcitabine (single agent) has been used for treatment of CC and I hope that someone will come forward and share his/her experience with us. I am wondering whether you have obtained several opinions from physicians/surgeons/radiologists/ treating a high volume of Cholangiocarcinoma patients? The answers might very well be the same however; it helps to confirm diagnoses and treatment options given.


    Hi There,

    Sorry I can’t advise you on this, but want to welcome you, too. I’m sure others who do have some experience with gemsitabine will be here soon to share with you. You have found the best place to be for help and support dealing with CC. Keep posting and let us know how things are going. We care.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi codfish, and welcome to this site. You will find lots of love and support here! Have you started the chemo yet? And are you taking the gemzar by itself? Please feel free to ask away! :)


    New to this site as of today. I have unresectable terminal CC with quite large tumors. After researching TARE and Photo Dynamic Therapy unsuccessfully, my only option is chemo, which will not cure me. Can anyone tell me of their experience using chemo (gemsitabine) at this late stage? Thank you.

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