
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Introductions

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    Welcome to our group. The survivor stories thread is a favorite for all of us. When my mother was first diagnosed, I spent a lot of time searching for stories on people who had survived years to learn how they achieved it. Good news is that it is becoming much more common. And, many of the grim statistics have not caught up with new treatment options. My mother started with Gem/Cis and then had Y90 radiation; she is doing well after almost 4 years,

    I wish you success with the chemo- great that side effects are ok. Let us know how you make out. It sounds like you’re already doing all you can- having the tissue sampled is very improtant.

    Best wishes,


    Hello Kathleen,
    Thank you for joining our forum. The courage to take control, ask questions, connect, and research are very important. Can you give more details as far as size of bile duct tumor? Was this diagnosis after an ERCP biopsy or by another means? How soon after diagnosis did you start gem/cis? Were you in a lot of pain? Did your oncologist give you a chance to think about the treatment plan or did he/she urge to get it as soon as possible?
    Sorry so many questions, it’s always nice to know the details. I am realizing during my journey that each individual should be looked at differently as far as treatment plan, age, and other concurrent health conditions. There will be several who will respond to your post and provide great help.
    Meanwhile do a search on Gem/Cis to get an idea on other individual’s experience.


    I have just been diagnosed with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. I am 52 years old with a husband and 16 year old son. I just started chemotherapy with gemcitibine and cisplatin yesterday. I haven’t experienced side effects yet from this.

    I am seeing a doctor at UCSF and have had my tissue samples sent to Foundation One for testing in the hope other targeted drugs may be tried.

    Since I have multiple liver tumors, they did not believe surgery was possible at this time.

    If anybody has any suggestions on chemo or other treatments, strategies they have tried, I would love to hear. Especially survivor stories!

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