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    Please also have radiation oncology consultation scheduled for you when you call MD Anderson for appointment along with the medical oncology consultation.
    It will provide you another option to treat this disease if not contraindicated.

    If you can not tolerate Gemzar/cisplatin regimen or Xeloda. There is a chance that you will not tolerate Taxol well with regard to the side effects of nausea and vomiting.( 10-30% of patients who take Taxol will have the same % as Gemzar or Xeloda to have the side effects of nausea/vomiting. but much much better than cisplatin(>90%)
    BTW, I am just a patient like you and not a doctor. May I ask how old are you? what is the official diagnosis they gave you? Intrahepatic CCA with mets to diaphraghm and abdomen,but where?
    God bless.


    Eriq, you poor young man. anti-nausea medicine nauseating you, anti-anxiety medicine causing you panic…………hopefully when you get an antibiotic you won’t……… get my drift. (feeble attempt at humor). I have found that being able to laugh at yourself and your condition is highly therapeutic….for me anyway.

    Here’s praying that you find a path through all of this.


    Lainey –

    Thanks for the reply. I do happen to think that Anna and I make a cute couple. :)

    As far as the nausea goes, I was taking just about everything they could give me to manage the nausea. I was wearing a Sancuso patch, was taking Zofran twice a day, Phenergan twice a day, not to mention the three days of Emend at the start of the treatment, along with whatever antiemetic and steroids they pumped into me as part of the infusion. I have always had bad nausea reactions to medications. Basically, if nausea/vomiting is listed as a side effect, even if it only happens to 1 in a million patients, I’ll get sick. It was funny to read some of the antiemetic meds side effects, too – some of them point out that the antiemetic can cause upset stomach. Ha. Kinda counter-intuitive, isn’t it?

    So yes, they were throwing everything at me to try to combat the nausea, but it just wasn’t effective. Some of the meds I just flat couldn’t take. Reglan and Ativan both mess with my head something fierce and put me into an immediate panic state for hours until the medication wears off. Yes, there are some things worse than vomiting.

    I’m sure it also didn’t help that I was only a month out of surgery recovery and my body was really, really weak. That’s why I’m hoping that I’ll do better with the Taxol.

    I’m also fortunate in that none of my tumors are or have been very large. The largest one I have now is just under 2cm in size. The tumor they pulled from my liver was only about 4cm in size. So we did catch the CC “early” in that I didn’t have a tumor the size of a grapefruit or orange, but it had already spread to multiple locations including a couple of lymph nodes.

    I’m not expecting that MD Anderson will have a miracle cure for me, I just want to get some of my quality of life back and hopefully extend the quantity a bit, too.




    Welcome to our very loving and knowledgeable family. You have been through a lot. My heart feels for you. Come back often as there are so many people here with boat loads of experience to share.

    God bless you and your family, Eriq.


    Hi There Eriq! Welcome to our amazing family! Whew! You have been through a lot.
    First I would like to say I saw your Blog and you are one beautiful couple! My advise would be to get to MD as quickly as you can, they are one of the tops for CC. Your story is so familiar and yet we find that everyone is so different with CC. When you had your chemo did they not give you anything for nausea? You really want to be with an ONC and Surgeon and Hospital that has treated more than a couple CC cases. You are so right that this is a ‘strange’ disease and we are glad you found us.
    Try to take one day at a time, read as knowledge is powerful and keep posting as it is good to get it out and we love hearing from our members. Please let us know if you get your appoointment to MD. I would get on their backs. Most of all stay strong!


    It’s hard to believe that it’s taken me nearly 6 months to find this site. Given my background in online discussion boards and mailing lists, I somehow didn’t think to look and see if there was anything like this for my cancer until within the last couple of weeks.

    My name is Eriq Neale, I live in Texas, and I was diagnosed with CC back in March. I started having unusual abdominal pains in mid-January and finally went to see my doctor towards the end of February, because I was schedule to go on a week-long trip and wanted to see if he could do something about the pain while I was on the road so I wouldn’t be uncomfortable while traveling. He did some blood work and found some liver enzymes that he thought were a little suspicious (on the high side of normal). He scheduled me in for a CT, which I had done on a Thursday (I was scheduled to leave town on Sunday). He called me Thursday afternoon to tell me that the CT showed something in my liver and he wanted me to have an MRI to get a better idea what was growing in my liver. He says that he arranged to have the MRI done the next day because he didn’t want this to be “hanging over me” while I was traveling, but I think he saw something in the CT scan that scared him enough that he wanted the diagnosis ASAP. I had the MRI done the following morning. I got a call that Friday afternoon that they were concerned the growth might be cancer and that he wanted to schedule me for a biopsy ASAP. I cancelled my trip and scheduled the biopsy for the following week. The next night, Saturday, the abdominal pain got really intense and I started getting really nauseous, so we ended up going to the ER late that night. I got checked in for observation, and the hospitalist assigned to my case arranged for all kinds of tests to be performed. I’m probably fortunate that I did get checked into the hospital, as all those tests happened within the next two days, instead of having to schedule them as outpatient procedures. My EGD came back clean, as did the colonoscopy. Two days later, the day I was originally scheduled to have the biopsy, I had a PET scan done, and that’s when the hospitalist confirmed that the tumors were likely cancer, as the PET scan showed several areas of likely cancerous growth, including a spot on the outside of the colon. I had the biopsy done the following day, and the pathology showed the tumor was likely from an upper-GI tumor, though none had been found.

    We scheduled a procedure with a surgical oncologist at Methodist in Dallas to do a liver resection to remove the tumor from my liver as well as to clean out the other obvious cancerous growths in my abdomen. I had the surgery at the end of March. When he cut me open, he removed several cancerous growths that had shown up on the scans, but also saw small tumors on the underside of my diaphragm. Without major reconstructive surgery, he couldn’t do anything about those tumors, so after completing the rest of the procedure successfully, he recommended that we follow up with chemotherapy. “Aggressive chemotherapy” in his words, because I was “young and in good physical health.”

    We started chemo at the first of May and started on Cisplatin and Gemcitabine. That next six weeks was probably the worst of my life. I lost 35 pounds because I couldn’t eat thanks to the nearly-constant nausea. I couldn’t move, I had to sleep in a trundle bed simply because we could lay it close to the floor so I could roll out of it and crawl into the bathroom to throw up. I tolderated the chemo so poorly that after two complete cycles, I was switched over to oxaliplatin, which did little to improve the symptoms. At the end of July, I stopped those chemo treatments and had another CT scan. Unfortunately, it showed continued growth of tumors in my abdomen, though the growth was very small. I started taking Xeloda in August, and my quality of life came back almost immediately. it wasn’t a walk in the park on the Xeloda, but I never had any nausea, and I was able to start eating regularly and start regaining my strength. I also finally fully recovered from the liver surgery during that time, so I was definitely feeling better.

    Unfortunately, the scan we did in November still showed continued growth of the cancer, so we’re taking a two-week break and will be starting on Taxol next week. I’m told that it’s well tolerated by chemo patients, but I’m not looking forward to it based on the reading I’ve done on Taxol, some of which ultimately led me to this site. Also, I broke a rib about 3 weeks ago, so I’m dealing with lots of additional pain meds, and i’ve basically spent the last two weeks flat on my back in bed. I’m hoping that I’ll get some sense of “normalcy” back when the rib heals and I can cut back on the pain meds.

    I’m trying to get in to MD Anderson and see if they have any other thoughts about my prognosis or additional treatments they might be able to offer. Unfortunately, I decided to wait until nearly Christmas to contact them, and they’ve been really, really slow about responding.

    I have been keeping a journal over at Caring Bridge:
    That has helped me cope with a lot of what I’ve been going through, as well as keeping our friends and family up to date with the latest information.

    I’m looking forward to learning my way around here and finding out more about how people are living with this kind of cancer, what works and what doesn’t as far as treatment, and anything else that might help me better deal with this strange (to me) disease.

    Thanks for having this area for us to come to. I’m anxious to see what I can find here, as well as how I can contribute…


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