Intruducong myself as a new Discussion Board member.

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Intruducong myself as a new Discussion Board member.

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  • #22305

    Hi Lisa, always sad to see a fellow Aussie on this website but it’s nice to know that there are others out there. So sorry to hear that your cancer reappeared after your initial surgery.

    Where in Australia are you based?

    It’s great to hear you have a fantastic support network, and a wonderful husband to be by your side. One piece of advice I can offer, as I have a mother with cholangiocarcinoma who is your age, is to enjoy every day that you are feeling well and live life as well as you can and surround yourself with positive energy.

    Best wishes,


    Hello, Lisa, from Australia, and welcome to our site. Great to know that Xeloda has not caused side effects and you are feeling well.
    Have you and your physician discussed the availability of a clinical trial? Personally, I am not very familiar with the below mentioned site, but thought to enclose it for your perusal:

    As mentioned by Catherine, I too hope and wish for others to chime in on this conversation.
    Together we are together with this disease, all the way.



    Dear Lisa,

    Welcome to our group. Unlike some who find us when newly diagnosed, you are already a veteran. As a daughter of a patient, I know that although we also are blessed with a very close and loving family, Mom has been more scared than she would ever let on so she could “protect” us. The only thing I can offer, is that I’m sure your strong network wants to support you emotionally as much as possible. If you’re not already leaning on them enough, do so. My Dad always says that families are there to help us get through the big stuff. However, I hope that through this board you will be able to connect with other patients who can understand better than us family members and loved ones what you are going through.

    I’m glad you found us and I know that there are others from Australia on the board who will chime in and offer support.

    Take care,


    Hi my name is Lisa from Australia and I am 51 years old. It has now been one year since my diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. After a routine laparoscopy I started intense Chemotherapy of Cisplatin and Gemcitabine. Initially I was told that surgery was not an option
    I responded very well to 5 cycles of chemo and the cancer shrunk considerably enough to prompt my liver surgeon to operate. One month before the surgery I had a portal vein embolisation and on May 18 this year three quarters of my liver was removed. I recovered very well from this surgery. Pathology reports revealed an aggressive cancer and the need to continue chemo. I only had 3 infusions out of 6 with my body not responding to the drugs this time around. As a result the CT scan showed metastases to the lungs and parts of the newly regenerated liver. My oncologist has placed me on Xeloda – oral tablet chemo. I have just completed one cycle and started the 2nd cycle. I feel well physically and have not had any side effects from the medication.
    Mentally I have lost some strength and positivity becausecI do not know where my illness will take me. I am scared. I feel very fortunate to have a supportive husband and strong network of family and friends.

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