Irregular Heartbeat

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    My Mom had a few episodes of A-fib and she too was seen by a cardiologist. The doctors were able to control things and she was much more comfortable. It turned out to be more of a bump in the road than a hill. (grin)

    Hang in there! You and Roger are and will be in my thoughts and prayers! Don’t forget to take care of the CAREGIVER as well!



    Sharon,chemo can cause heart arhythmias and another cause can be fluid overload which may mean the heart not pumping efficiently for whatever reason.I know you mentioned he was on the lasix which should help but he probably needs another tablet to slow and steady the heart. Janet


    Yesterday we received Roger’s scan results which was “everything is stable” and we would continue with his current treatment. Roger swelling seems to have decreased some but he still has it. While the doctor was checking him out he said he heard an irregular heartbeat and we needed to see our primary care doctor and he would probably send him to a cardiologist. Has anyone had this before? I am afraid it is just another hill of this illness.

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