Is it normal to have a break from chemo ?

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    Thanks Lainy. Yes there is another oncologist but she is junior and even more clueless (she’s the one who told mum that she had pancreatic cancer as a primary, when she didn’t !).
    Ah well, it keeps life interesting doesn’t it. I shall stay strong…. I have you and all the others on here to keep me that way. Thank you.


    Jemima, how frustrating that you have to deal with a doctor whom you now don’t trust. Is there no one else you can talk to? That is terrible. Does this doctor have to answer to anyone else in your system?
    I don’t know about chemo breaks but I know that with radiation you can take at least a 3 month break as it keeps working. I kind of thought chemo would be the same, not sure. Stay strong, girl!


    Thanks Kathy and Andrea

    I guess I was so het up by the way that the meeting went that I wasn’t sure that what was being recommended was the right thing or not. But it seems like having a break is quite normal so that’s OK.
    I have spoken to Mum’s normal doctor and she said that if we wanted to have some blood tests done there before her appointment in March then that would be OK.
    I still think that the oncologist was dreadful though and not doing her job properly. Unfortunately if we wanted someone different it would involve a lot of travelling so I guess we are stuck there.
    best wishes to all



    Hi Jemima,

    Whilst I am so glad your Mom is doing so well I can understand your frustration. I know from experience how frustrating it is when they don’t seem to have all the facts and reports in front of them and can’t give you answers to all the questions.

    Dad was told he would have to have a break after 6 months of chemo (but as you know we never got there)

    I’m one for not letting things go so I think I’d have to get in touch with the Doctor to see why the break from chemo has come sooner than expected, when your Mom was coping well with the chemo regime.

    It may be that it has done it’s job in controlling/shrinking the tumor and the rest will help your Moms body to recover ready for the next round of chemo.

    Did they mention having another scan before March? I would think they would need to do one to 1) see if the tumor had grown and 2) use as a baseline scan if further treatment is needed.

    I hope you get some answers soon.

    Wishing you and your Mom a happy and healthy 2011


    Andrea x


    I have an inoperable Klastin tumor and have had breaks between my treatment times. The first break was 7 months (it took me awhile to agree to chemo again when I was feeling so well). Now I am on another break. Oncology appt., blood test, and MRI scheduled 3 months after the last one.

    If I had a problem, I would call my oncologist and probably go to my primary local doctor who would call my oncologist.

    Normal treatment procedure seems to be different for every person with cc as we don’t take a predicted path. There is definitely a difference between doctors.

    I’m glad your mom is doing so good and very glad she has such a good advocate. Keep it up.


    Hi all

    Mum had a meeting with the oncologist last week (after it had been postponed twice because of snow) as they had had a MDT meeting a few weeks ago.
    I was expecting an indepth discussion of what was going on, plans for treatment etc….. what we got was a joke. The oncologist started off by saying that the surgeons said she was not a candidate for surgery.. WHAT ? I said that we knew that back in February/March when she was first diagnosed and so was this related to the CT scan she had in November, and maybe they had reviewed their decision ?…. ummm…no.
    Basically the oncologist acted like she didn’t have a clue, went on about how they had to balance the side effects of chemo with any possible benefit (Mum had very few side effects and they were all controlled with medication), and that she had had a lot of chemo (4 and half cycles) and so now would be taking a break.
    She even admitted that she hadn’t been at the MDT meeting…..
    Anyway, aside from the fact that I was really angry and upset for Mum, what I wanted to ask anyone who has experience is whether it is normal to have a break from chemo ?
    Mum had 4 and a half cycles as she had to stop as her white blood cell count was low. However, that was 5 weeks ago, and now they have said that she does not need to come back for 3 months. When I asked about blood tests to keep an eye on her levels the oncologist just said for her to have one 2 weeks before her next appointment (end of March).
    Is this normal ? It means she has no-one keeping an eye on her for 3 months !!
    She was on gem/cis 2 weeks on 1 week off. She has a 2cm Klatskin tumour and is a very healthy and lively 78 year old. She had a stent put in on June 1st which so far is still working.

    Any thoughts anyone ?

    Thanks for reading. Sometimes it just seems we have to fight so hard just for the basic level of care when it should be offered on a plate with a gilded ribbon and a big box of chocolates….


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