Is this good?

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  • #63199

    Hi, Lisa,
    Thanks for your compliment. I am just a patient for the past 37months.and definitely not a genius;like so many before me,I just try to give back what I can to this web site. I found Hope here after I heard the word “Cancer”.and
    I only can thank God for His Grace upon me to live the past 37 months on earth.
    I think Stacey,the founder of “The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation” and her peers are the genius to have the foresight to establish this web site right after the passing of her brother Mark.
    BTW, decreasing biomarker is a good thing, I think your husband should continue the current treatment till the 8/7 Cat Scan result known and then going from there. Good luck and
    God bless.


    Lisa, you betcha, HOPE! That is a good report. Tough times never last, tough people do! Please let us know how the scans go on the 7th and keep us posted on your husband as we truly care.


    Lisa-always HOPE!!! Hope is the one constant we all have!! Enjoy your positive news, you will find your self enjoying the moment and giving less concern about what tomorrow will bring. I am proof miracles happen!!!
    Lots of prayers for your husband-Cathy


    Hi All,
    My hubby’s Dr. just called to tell him that his tumor marker has dropped by 18,000 points after one cycle with gem/cis (2 weeks on, 1 week off), so he has actually only had 2 chemo treatments. Does this possibly indicate that this nasty bs cancer is responding to treatment, or should I not get too hopeful yet??? He will get his first ct scan on 8/7 and will have completed 2 cycles of chemo by then.
    Dare I hope????
    p.s. You guys rock, basically everything I’ve learned about this has come from you –and I think Percy is a genius

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