is this normal?

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    Chelle, it is not so much not wanting to give medical advise in that it could be so many things. Kidney stone, bladder infection, gall bladder, ulcer, infection just to name a few. I feel she needs to call her ONC and he would probably order a scan of the area. Best to know for sure what she is dealing with and then treat it. Please keep us updated.


    Hi all. I hope you are all ok. Been a few weeks since ive posted,

    Quick background: Mum diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer nov 10, with bile duct involvement, and also spread to liver. Started GEM chemo 5 weeks ago (7 week course)

    Mum has coped remarkably well with no painkillers so far. Still working etc. The only problem till now was an infection in the vein after nurse tried 4 times to draw blood even though mum was in agony. so antibiotics were given, and 1 week chemo postponed. she got over that really well, but this week mum is complaining (Which is not like her) about pain in back below ribs, and in the same place at the front (Where gallbladder is i think)

    Can anyone shed light on if this could be a urine infection (Docs taken sample to check) or if it is the tumour itself causing pressure. I know no one wants to commit to giving answers as we are not medically qualified, but just in case you/loved ones have been in similar stage.

    Thanks so much for support, and i hope you are all doing well as can be.


    Chelle xxxxxxx

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