It Finally Came

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    I am so happy for you all. Life is sometimes so wonderful.



    WOW! Fireworks going off. Bands playing. Flowers all of a sudden in bloom. It doesn’t get any better than your news. That is just great and I bet you will have a fabulous Father’s Day!


    That’s a beautiful story & great news Daleymom, we’re all so glad to hear it! We’re wishing your Dad the very best!



    Cancer Free….the most joyful words in our world of cancer…..Your Dad sounds like a wonderful person. Thanks for sharing a bit about him and thanks for the incredible update. Tons of good wishes to your Dad and a speedy recovery with a price reward: pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast.
    Bon appetit,


    Fantastic news!

    What praises you speak of your father. Doesn’t this disease make us realize how special our parents are, and make us appreciate them even more? That is the only good thing that I have been able to take from this ;). My mom is a wonderful person, and she has been amazing through this whole process. What a great example they are.

    I am really happy for you!


    Just a little update. Dad is still doing well. On Tuesday this last week he had to have another surgery to put in some biological mesh because his abdominal wall was a little thin. Other than that he is doing really well. He will have to stay in the hospital until he is eating normal and having regular bowels. Unfortunately he was just getting to clear liquids when he had to have the second surgery so hopefully he will be able to start eating again this next week. He is such a fighter and a great example to all. I have yet to meet a person who didn’t think my dad cared for them completely. He is a friend to all and has had more support than I could have ever imagined. I think that is what made this cancer bearable.

    Oh, and the great news came a few days after his transplant from pathology…he is CANCER FREE!!!!!!!


    Glad to hear your father is doing well. I’m a transplant veteran and wish him all the best. I understand the pancake thing too… all I wanted were pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs and toast, and not in any particular order!!

    Here’s to a good recovery. E-mail me anytime with recovery questions if you’d like. It’s a bit of a road to travel yet, but worth every effort to a better life ahead.


    That’s great news! I’m sure your dad will enjoy these pancakes when he is able to eat again. It’s great to hear a good news story and I hope he has a speedy recovery!

    Best wishes to you and your family.



    Fantastic to hear! I will also send up prayers for a quick recovery!


    I am very happy for your family. What wonderful news. I pray he makes a great recovery.



    Wonderful news! We’re all so very happy for you — keep the good news coming!
    Joyce M


    How wonderful for your father and your family! It’s such a wonderful blessing not only for you but for all of us to hear not just great news but extra ordinary fantastic news in reference to cc for a change! I will keep your father in my prayers as he recooperates from his procedure. WOOHOO!



    Awesome news! Thank you for sharing that with us. I hope your dad makes a full, cancer free recovery.


    I got up today, and for the first time in months and months my first thought wasn’t a sad thought. I got lots of work done, I had lunch with a friend, I went running, I watched my son play ball and get a double and strike out the side for two innings, my mom has plans with two friends for dinner(thats the best part of the day) and then I read your post, and now my day is even brighter. Where there is life there is hope, and today I feel lots of hope. Wonderful news! Appreciate every moment with your dear dad, you just got an amazing gift.


    WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY! Honestly I got tears of joy reading your post. We really believe that God works through the hands of our surgeons! Father’s Day will be VERY special this year!

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