It was over so fast

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management It was over so fast

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  • #21470

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. You are absolutely right. God does know what He is doing. He is in control. Our lives are in His hands. Always have been. Always will be. Know that your husband is at peace now.

    Love in Christ,


    mybdm…… My prayer of support goes out to you and your Family. May God bless and give you the strength. May your Husband rest in peace. Your so right… God does know what he is doing, I’m so glad I read this today. We will all understand one day.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Peace be with you and your family. And God’s comfort for the days ahead.


    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!


    I am so sorry. Your family will be in my prayers.


    I am sorry to hear your sad news, I hope that your husband was able to come to terms with the end and that he is at peace.


    I’m sorry I didn’t post this earlier but, my husband passed away on Sunday at 11:20 AM. The night before he was breathing quickly and sounded like there was liquid in his lungs. My family and I prayed beside him. I thought his end would be soon, and it was. At 10:30 he was still breathing so I went upstairs for a nap. Later my son told me his caregiver needed to talk to me. My husband had stopped breathing and had no pulse. Nobody even noticed it when it happened; that’s how quickly he passed. I guess we got our prayer for a quick and painless death answered, even though this is still devastating. Friends and family visited us shortly after his body was carried away to the funeral home. I said I wasn’t going to cry because I had done much of my grieving before this, but I did cry a lot anyway. I’ve already made arrangements for his Mass and burial site. I keep telling my family over and over that we will get through this no matter how hard it will be, and we will have our other family and friends to help us. God knows what He’s doing, even if we don’t understand it right away.

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