Itchy/ Tacky skin

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    Hi Paula,
    You mentioned that he has no ONC at his time, so very happy that you may be getting a second opinion and looking for another option ASAP. It’s very important to go to a hospital that has experience in CC. Even with a multi-disciplinary team, I still had to question if the whole team agreed on Mom’s treatment and if we should be more aggressive . If your Dad is still doing this well after being off of chemo for so long, I hope you find the perfect medical expertise necessary to keep him going strong.

    Thinking of you and Dad-



    Thanks! You guys are great! We did not end up going with hospice, because My dad wasn’t ready to give up:) Through prayer and faith he is doing well! His whole medical record file is on the way from the facility we were at I am going to forward it to Cleveland as soon as I get it!!!



    Hi Paula,

    Glad that teh Sarna lotion works a bit. Even just working a bit is better than nothing and we don’t get that lotion over here so my dad couldn’t have it. I def think that your dad should be seen by an onc that has experience with CC, lots of experience preferrably. As you say, he is doing well and seeking further opinions is a good idea.

    That is nearly a year now that your dad last had the chemo but it could be the case that he is still feeling some of the effects of it. Here is a link that will be of interest to you.

    Good luck with finding a suitable onc and please keep us updated on everything.

    My best to you and your dad,



    Hi, Paula. Teddy had radiation not chemo but I know it can cook a couple of months, but this has been almost a year. I just had an idea, Paula. I would call his Insurance Company (you can go off Hospice anytime you want to) and see who may be in your area that is an ONC. I would find out first if this ONC has treated CC and get an appointment set up with an ONC who has dealt with CC because even if you go to Cleveland, you still need someone in your immediate area you can turn to with questions and etc. It would also give you a great security to have someone close by. This is a very rare and odd duck and you really need a team of pro’s.


    Thanks Lainy and Gavin! He does have the sarna lotion it seems to help for short periods of time:) Thank you both for your help! Do either of you know how long effects can be felt from the chemo? He hasnt had any since April 2014 but I still see some of the same s/s he had during?


    Palua, Yes, I remember. Something should be done about her! Thank goodness he is doing OK except for the heat and itching. You might want to try that Sarna lotion. We even have a member whose Uncle sent it from the USA to the UK, Again, cold also helps with itching. It could be from a Medication or something he is eating. Good luck and I hope you get to the new ONC soon.


    No fever, and he just heats up in the places he itches, she dismissed him, and we were just at a loss as to what to do. She sent him home to die basically. But he is doing well which is why we are wanting another opinion at a totally different facility!


    Paula, when he heats up does he have a temperature. I am at a loss as to why he has no ONC.


    Currently he has no Onc. The discharged him to go home with hospice. I am waiting on his medical records from there to hopefully get into another facility ASAP. There are no docs in the local area that manage anything like this. He is not jaundiced, and says he heats up and then gets tacky then the itching starts. It is really bizarre???


    Hi Paula,

    My dad had the itching that you talk of as well and that was due to the jaundice because of the bile duct being blocked. It calmed down enormously once he had his stent placed as that freed up the bile duct again and cleared up the jaundice. Agree with Lainy that your dad should inform his onc and med team about this.

    My best to you and your dad,



    Paula, Teddy had a lot of itching due to Jaundice, drugs then radiation. I found the best lotion and have recommend it on here a lot. It is called Sarna and you can find it at Walgreens and CVS. Immediate relief. Also when he got the itchies we used cold packs which helped calm it down. I know I get it from infusions for Colitis and found that a Benadryl helps tone it down. Best of luck and I would also let the ONC know.


    Hello! My dad finished Gem/cis up in April of 2014. His bili is down to 2.9. But his skin will get sticky and tacky, then the itching starts, has anyone experienced this with the after effects of the drugs or could it be part of diagnosis? He says it is a different type of itch than when bili is elevated?


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