It’s been a long Journey

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  • #58237

    Dear TJ, it is good to see you again, although the reaon is not so good. I totally agree with PCL. Your Mommie’s strength and valor is beyond scope, but I honestly feel that she is putting herself through so much more. When Teddy got to this point the ONC said it would buy him maybe an extra month. He opted out. While your Mom is so very brave and we don’t like to hear these things, Palliative care is so much better. Best of wishes and you are one terriffic daughter!


    Palliative care at this point is a good idea although your mom may not need it at this point.
    I think the “quality of life “at this point is more important than the quantity of life if the oncologist give you her opinion as you mentioned.
    I am a patient of CCA for 34 months now; if I receive the same opinion from my doctors, I will consider the “quality of life” far more important than the” quantity of life”;that included stopping of the chemotherapy(as you may know, chemo agents are toxic to the body).
    May the Love of our Lord,Jesus Christ, the Grace of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family.
    God bless.


    I have been quietly reading for the past few months except for the occasional post on the link @ facebook.

    So many of you were such a wonderful support when we discoved that my mommy too was facing this monster. Your stories and postings have touched my heart daily.
    My mom keeps fighting but her chemo is now being used as palliative care versus treatment. The cancer had spread to her lungs with a resection in August but it’s back, stronger and bigger with many lymph nodes involved, yet again. Her oncolgist sees that Chemo = Hope in my mommies eyes and she will complete 3 cycles before being scanned for the 13th time in two years.
    She is wheezing so much and her fingernails are growing down and inward and they are so strong, it’s difficult to keep them trimmed. She also had a 70% blockage in her right artery so a stent was placed and is now taking coumadin 2x per day along with another blood thinner.
    She is also on the fentanyl patch (50mg) every 3rd day. I was told it is stronger than morphine.
    The scan will be very telling and her Dr. loves her, so I know honesty will follow. She has already called me and told me to begin my preparations, that this last chapter will come quickly. We have been so blessed over the past two + years and thank God every single day.
    My mommy is not your typical, I am sick patient, she still drives (tho she should not), and so many other things. The chemo still makes her feel pretty lousy, even tho it has been reduced twice, but she just plugs along with it.
    My Mommy is truly My HERO. There is no other way to describe it. I read about wanting to have such “grace and diginity” from one of you and I hope that if ever I fall ill, that I too, will be like so many that have shared your stories.

    God Bless to all of you!!!


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