it’s been awhile……

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    My mom definately has a GREAT attitude and your sooooo right! I want to tell them Dr’s to suck it and stick my tounge out! ha ha ha!

    This year our Relay For Life is in July and my mom’s new goal is to be able to attend and walk the survivor lap with me. :-) I had cancer, uterine, in 2007 and after chemo, radiation and surgery I’m cancer free. My goal too is to make sure that my mom is able to walk that survivors lap with me! :-)


    Dear Jeff…I can only say the same about speaking with you.
    Best wishes,


    Thank you Marion. Was a plesure to speak with you today!


    Serum levels of CA19-9 are often elevated, but are not sensitive or specific enough to be used as a general screening tool. However, they may be useful in observing and determination of progression or decrease in tumor functions. They will note Marc’s markers at the onset of chemotherapy and will watch them throughout his treatments. You may read up on it on our website and postings. The search function will lead you to previous discussions. You may also want to look under “New Development”.
    Best wishes,


    Excuse my stupity, but what is a CA919?


    Good to see you again. And first, I am very impressed with the Relay for Life. I did one charity run before I got sick and it KILLED me. One day I am going to have to write about it because it was just too funny.

    On to your mom….Dont you just feel like sticking your tongue out at the doctors? I swear sometimes they just pull numbers out of their nose (bet you thought I was going to type another word!) We all want shrinkage, but sometimes stability is better than expected. Your mother is a tough cookie and sounds like you are too. Everyone says how important a good attitude is and it sounds like your mother has some to spare.

    Take care.


    Hi all! It’s been awhile since I’ve been on. In just a few months, April 15th to be exact, it will be 1 year that we were told my mom had cc and was given a death sentence of 6 months. Well, she’s still here… so CC, put that in your juice box and SUCK it! It’s been a LONG year, but a year that we are SO happy we’ve had. My mom has been doing chemo since November, every 3 weeks, until recently. They also put a metal stent in which has really helped keep her billiribbon (sp) down. She has not felt the greatest, but when she does feel good, she’s GOOD! She has terrible pain, but they are able to control it with LOTS of pain meds and bouts of vomitting, even when she hasn’t done chemo. Today she said that almost every morning she has dry heaves. So they are trying a new cocktail with her nauseau meds and mylanta. We are so hoping that this works. They did a CT scan and checked her CA919 last week. The CA919 levels were up, but not greatley. And really, not sure how much I beleive in this test…. Her CT scan really showed no difference in the tumor or or that it has spread any where else. YEAH, I guess. It’s hard to be happy about that when it doesn’t show that the tumor is shrinking. I’m trying to be positive, but it’s just hard. My mom is such a ROCKSTAR and no matter what news she is given, or how bad she feels she always seems to see the positive in it. When they told her that her platelets were definately too low to do chemo today, she said “good! Another week of feeling better.” Her low platelets and white blood count has been a constant battle. I’m not real sure why they don’t just give her a transfusion???? Also today the CT scan showed that her spleen was more enlarged. And while the Dr. was examining her she was in horrible pain when ever he felt in that area. He said that they would just “watch it.” Watch what? Whatch for it to rupture? UGH! Sometimes it’s frustrating becasue my mom is just so laid back with all of this, and my sister and I are not. My question now is, is all of this normal? How will we know when her cancer is getting into the final stages? Is doing chemo really worth it? Have I mentioned that I HATE CC?!

    On another note my sister and I have joined Relay For Life! This will be our 2nd year of having a team. Last year we raised over $5000.00. This year our goal is $10,000.00. We say that we will NOT stop because cancer never stops! CANCER WE WILL BRING YOU DOWN!!!!!

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