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  • #40046

    Welcome to the site. If you are throwing up, ask your dr for primperan (hope that is spelled right). It works wonders.

    About depression, I see a psychologist regularly and would recommend it to everyone. I am lucky in that here in Sweden you get hooked up with a pyscholoist immediately at diagnosis. It has really helped both me and my husband.

    Take care and let us know how it goes.



    Bless you, too, Jan xx


    Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. This place has become a lifeline of info and acceptance.
    Bless all of you,


    Hello Jan. I believe we may have talked before via the cancer support group in Houston, CanCare? If so, I’m so glad you registered with this site. It is a very caring and wonderful support group.

    I’m Dale, 6+ year CC survivor who was treated at MD Anderson in Houston. And volunteer with CanCare.

    I hope you are able to get access to MD Anderson for future treatments. Keeping you in prayer.



    Jan47, I wanted to also welcome you to this site. Sorry you have to be here, but it is really a good thing you have found us. I was diagnosed with CC and has surgery Apr 2010. I had a very large tumor in the left lobe and bile duct and had a tumor in the right lobe with lymph node involvement. I went through 2 treatments of chemo (Gemzar/Cisplatin, then Oxaliplatin/Xeloda). I am now in a clinical trial of Irinitecan.

    Please come back often for support and just to gain more knowledge about what others have gone through and what has helped us. We learn from everyone and share what we can.

    Best wishes in your treatment.

    Linda Z.


    I just wanted to welcome you to the site Jan – I am sorry we are all in this as well, but at least here we are all in it together – whether a patient or caregiver, it’s nice to have so many others who understand what you are going through.

    Thinking of you.



    My diagnosis is cholangiocarcinoma. Have just finished first round of chemo with dr. at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston,tx. I am in process of being asseced for future treatment at MD Anderson in Houston. I was on Zoloft for depression,but had to discontinue because antibiotic for bile infection could cause deadly reaction. I started zoloft again and again had to discontinue. I haven’t started again as it seems harder to stop and start than to just stop. Thank you so much for replying to my post. I look forward to getting to know everyone better. Sorry we are in this.


    Hello Jan47 and welcome to our wonderful family. What was your diagnosis? Have you started a game plan like chemo or radiation? Where are you being treated? Sorry for all the questions but we are a curious lot. Like Jemima said, there are meds for nausea and for depression that your doctor can give you. My other suggestion would be that you read as much as you can to gain knowledge as it does help to conquer the fear. You are with friends now and not isolated anymore. Please feel free to ask questions or just stop in to say hi and if you want, vent away. We are here for you and as patients or Caregivers we try our best to help you in any way. Take a deep breathe and ask away.


    Hello Jan….I would like follow Jemima and welcome you to our site. You must know that none of us would like to belong to this club, but are we ever glad to have found each other. I wonder whether feeling sick and nauseated is one more reason for you to feel lonely and depressed. You are speaking of being sick; does this mean you are vomiting also? Have you perused 2nd or even 3rd opinions from specialist very familiar with this disease? This is a rare cancer and I find it of utmost importance to search out those physicians, who treat many patients not just one or two per year. Please. Stay with us. We are glad that you have joined us also.
    Best wishes are coming your way,


    Hello Jan and welcome to this wonderful place where everyone is so supportive. My mum was diagnosed in February this year aged 77 and we have just heard from our 2nd opinion surgeon that he also thinks it is inoperable. So Mum will be starting chemotherapy in August.
    I have found this site such a help in terms of emotional support and knowledge and I hope that you do too. I am sure that your family are doing all that they can but it certainly does help to be able to speak to other people in the same situation.
    Can you tell us more about your experiences ? You say that you feel nauseated all the time. Do you have jaundice still or are you having chemo ? They should be able to give you drugs for the nausea.
    Sorry I can’t help more but welcome to the forum and my best wishes go to you and your family.


    I was diagnosed March 2010. I am overwhelmed and depressed. So glad to have a place to get info and talk to others like me. I feel very isolated.
    I’m 63 have 3 children and have been married over 30 years. I’m new at this so please be patient. Does everyone feel nauseated all the time and so sick most of the time? How to cope?
    Bless all of you

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