Joanne’s Vanderbilt Visit

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    Keep us posted, sounds very promising.


    Thanks for sharing! It sounds like a great opportunity!


    Britt….exciting news and a great job of explaining. You had me all excited and I looked up a bit of info on this pathway inhibitor.

    You are a wonderful advocate and friend to Joanne and please keep the good news coming.


    WOW! What a very informative post. I will be crossing everything I own that Joanne can be put in to the trial. Do you know when they will be testing for PIK3CA? Looking forward also to Joanne’s next Scan results.


    Hello I just wanted to update everyone on Joanne’s visit to Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville. After meeting with Dr. Laura Goff she reassured her that the path that Dr. Johnson has her is the right one. So right now she is on chemo. Tarceva 150mg everyday and cisplatin and gemzar every two weeks. She will have a scan in a couple of weeks to see if it is working.

    Dr. Goff did discuss with her about going back to her original tumor (that they removed in her resection)and test it for PIK3CA alteration status. Also there where about 11 or 12 other things that they wanted to test it for. If it comes back positive for the PIK3CA alteration status then she would qualify for the CBYL719X2101 clinical trial that they have going on right now. They have this drug BYL719 that keeps a protein called PI3K from working. The PI3K protein belongs to the PI3K pathway. This PI3K pathway is a series of chemical reactions between proteins inside a cell. The PI3K pathway is involved in cell growth and cell death. In many cancers a gene related to the PI3K pathway, called PIK3CA has changed amplified or mutated. These chnges in genes are thought to cause the growth of tumors.

    There are 4 centers in the US that are currently doing this trail. I think there are some centers in Spain, and other European countries. The 4 in the US are Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer center in Nashville,Sarah Cannon Cancer Center in Nashville, M.D. Anderson in Houston, and a cancer center in Boston can’t remember the name off the top of my head. It will be a couple of weeks before we get the test results.

    Basically from what I understand is that this drug BYL719 is suppose to cut the switch off that generates the tumors.

    I will update when we get the test results back. In the mean time she will continue chemo. Hopefully the chemo will work in shrinking the tumors. It worked the last time in shrinking the tumor. If this doesn’t work I think Dr. Johnson is going to try Folfox.

    Stay Strong Survivors and be your own Advocate!!!!


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