Just an Update

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    You sound full of HOPE…and that is very important. I like the sound of your oncologist. She has the right mindset…and I am very encouraged to hear that she debunked the sugar myth. Not that sugar is great for us…..but that cancer feeds on it is a total myth that seems to keep circulating. Hmmm….I also found that Mexican food really went down well when I was on chemo……just though it was something weird about me…but maybe there’s something to it. I haven’t allowed myself a margarita, though I rarely drank before the chemo….but I just may go to my favorite Mexican place that makes the BEST frozen margaritas and get one this weekend. :))))) I will be watching for more good reports….and in fact, I”m expecting even better reports for you. Best wishes to you…..Julie T.


    Hi Tabytha,

    What a great report, love it!! Well chuffed for you!! Indeed you should enjoy life and I hope that you enjoyed the mexican meal and the margherita! Sounds good to me! Indeed you do have options and I hope that your next report is as good as this one, or even better! My fingers are crossed for that and I hope to hear more good news from you.

    My best to you,



    Tabytha……Love, love, the report that everything is stable. I also like the “imaginative” approach to this cancer in regards to the various treatments available to you. In comparison to a few years back when little focus was given to our disease, today’s research on solid tumors allows for options far succeeding those of years ago. Enjoy life, dear Tabytha. I would love to share a Margareta (hold the salt) with you.


    Great news! That must have made your family feel better, too.

    What is the next drug she has in mind for you?

    I originally felt that trials were the end of the line, but after reading more (especially about Melinda), I no longer believe that.

    Here’s a link to Johns Hopkins that talks about sugar and other cancer hoaxes.


    Post when you can. Use the Member’s Cafe just to say “Hi”.



    Tabytha, what a fabulous post!!! First of all your attitude is way over the moon. Next the shrinking is awesome and even the “stable” is always a good sign. You are such an amazing example of a true fighter. I like what the ONC said about sugar feeding cancer and she absolutely sounds like a terrific ONC. You have absolutely everything in your corner and have come out fighting. I just woke up and love to wake up to this kind of post. Life is for the living! Cannot wait to hear your next update!


    Hey peeps!!!

    Just wanted to post an update since I went to MD Anderson in Houston to get my 2nd opinion a couple months ago.

    The trip went well!!

    I had my first CT since I started chemo and there was shrinkage in my lymph nodes. The larger tumors in my liver and hip have stayed the same. This is all good news!!! The goal here, as you all know so well, is to shrink or stay the same. I continue to be in very little-to-no pain.

    I was given the same diagnosis and was told that I was on the right medication. However, the way the information was presented put me and my family at ease a little. Dr. Shroff wasn’t caught up in numbers or prognosis (as a matter of fact I didn’t allow anyone in my family to ask what the Dr. thought my expiration date was. BECAUSE SHE DOESN’T KNOW.)

    She simply took the time to tell me how this cancer is working in my body. She said that she is currently working on a study that adds Abraxane to the Cis/Gem protocol, but only as long as the patient hasn’t already started chemo. So I don’t qualify for that.

    She also said there is a 2nd chemo drug she can put me on after Cis/Gem stops working. And THEN we’ll go to trials.

    So my hope is still intact. I no longer feel the need to count the months. I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m enjoying every day. I have OPTIONS. There aren’t many, but the longer I’m here the more options I hope there will be. So I’m here to fight this!!!!

    I have had genome sequencing done. They only tested for 45 genes. But 2 were expressed in my study. Dr. Schroff said that the genome sequencing company that she sends her samples to test 500 genes. So those of you getting this done may want to ask how many genes are being tested.

    I’m still inoperable, I’m still considered “palliative” or IMAGINATIVE as Duke has said (which I LOVE)

    But I came away from this meeting with much more hope than I did from my initial diagnosis.

    Fun Fact: She even told me I could have ONE drink and not on consecutive days, suggested a Mexican restaurant for us to eat at in Houston, and told me to enjoy a Margarita. She stressed not limiting myself as much as possible.

    I asked her specifically if she felt that any particular diet restriction would help at all with this. Her reply was to eat a balanced diet in order to help my body fight the symptoms of chemo and to stay strong. I specifically asked her if “tumors feed off of sugar”, as many have told me that it does. Her reply was that it is an old wives tale and that she isn’t sure of the origination but that she gets that question all the time and has researched it extensively herself.

    Once again, thank you all for your kind words and support. I don’t post much (I’m trying to post more!!!) but your stories, progress, and triumphs fuel me for this fight.

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