just can’t keep anything down

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    Hi Barb,
    Joe wa having that problem of vomiting undigested food when he was so jaundiced last month. He started on Reglan which relieved the full feeling after he ate and stopped the vomiting. Now the jaundice is going down also but after you have the test if you aren’t blocked, maybe this would help. The doctor ordered it 4 times a day but then he wa having too many bowel movements so he cut it down to twice a day. It seems tomove things along through the GI tract. I am also a nurse and your are right about it being a blessing and a curse. You know what to do but you also know all the things that can go wrong. You are doing a great job with Luis. Hope all goes well with your test. Mary Anne


    Barb .. I had hiateal hernia with acid reflux for almost 15 years before CC DX. I kinda have a feeling this is what kicked off ny CC. I still take antacid 30 minutes prior to breakfast everyday. If I don’t that acid will cause all sorts of pain and nausea. Hope your EGD figures out the problem.

    Jeff G.


    thanks to all. I am scheduled for an EGD next week, so i hope to find an answer. i am leaning toward high end obstruction or bad reflux. I don’t really care what it is, i just want it to stop!


    Barb, Charlie also took an over the counter acid controller after radiation and it helped him.



    Barb, I had something similar happen to me. My Gastroenterologist said that I had an extreme case of acid reflux, probably due to irritation of the stomach from radiation. I was proscribed Protonix, but you can also try Prilosec, which is over the counter.



    Last June, when I had the sir sphere treatment, they found that the tumors didn’t shrink, but they did stop growing in the liver. So, if that’s the case for you, it is good news for your liver.



    So it appears you are holding your own which is good news. Please keep us up to date on the apparent blockage.

    Luis sounds like he is holding his own too. Focusing on school is a very good way to deal with this and I am sure more parents here wished that was the case with their children. I am sure you are not spoiling him too much and are doing just enough so he feels a little better.

    Best of luck with the EGD and I hope that the stomach issues disappear. If it is a blockage, are they going to get you back on Gembicine (was that the one they took you off)?



    Hi Barb, Just curious if you have tried using colace/stool softener on a more regular basis. I haven’t hurled in a long time but when I start counting the days of bowel movements, I start taking one or two capsules for 2or 3 days and the bloating and hurling feeling goes away along with bowel movement. I have taken to many a couple times but that is why I have immodium tablets for back up. Just started chemo again this week and my system is all whacky. Will be having CT Monday morning to see how things are going as far as growth. I ‘m suspecting something from the way I have been feeling lately. Currently taking antibiotics and filgrastim. White cells /bone marrow having hard time keeping up. Plus two episodes of pnuemonia. I think I’ll be looking at immunotherapy treatment for a while depending on scan results. Hang in there Commander and keep on marching!
    Jeff G.


    well, news not bad, not great but ok. no shrinkage of tumors in the liver which is telling me that the sirspheres didn’t quite do the job. There was some shrinkage of the tumors in the lymph nodes which means the chemo is doing it’s job. My blood count (hgb) is down to 9 and my white ccells are down to 3. He thinks I may be obstructed so I will be having an EGD soon to see what happens


    Hi Barb,

    I hope your scans are looking good and that they can figure out why you are having the digestion/hurling problems.



    Thanks Kris, sometimes being a nurse is a curse because there is all the stuff I know that could be wrong. No clue from the doctor, he thought it might be the Xeloda so he took me off, but 2 weeks out it is still going on. As far as my weight, even my sister in law got into the act telling me “aren’t you glad you had weight to lose?” uh, yeah, sure. When I told a friend of mine she sent back a fake ad: Lose weight with no dieting, no exercise, eat whatever you want, just get cancer!

    Luis is doing fine, considering all that is going on with him. He’s been dealt a cruel blow to be sure, abandoned by his birth mother, living in an orphanage, he is bipolar, now his mom has a very bad disease and could die. Fortunately he has used school as a diversion and is making the best grades he’s ever done, we have a wonderful group of friends who have taken him under their wing and have really helped me out by practically adopting him themselves. On the down side, it is tough being a single mom and trying to maintain discipline. I am probably spoiling him rotten but I don’t have the physical or mental stamina to do the everyday battles that parents face, so I do the best I can. That being said, he is a sweet kid who is well behaved outside the home. I really think that some of his behavior issues at home are his way of telling me that he still needs me and I can’t leave.


    I am so sorry things are not going your way with the food. Has your doctor given any you a clue? Hopefully when you go get the CT results you can bring this up with her. It does sound like some kind of blockage and something you might want to consult with a gastro doctor.

    Yeah, I got the weight comments too…”Cancer sure looks good on you” to be precise. It is funny sometimes, but not when scary things are happening and then you just want to give them your cancer and take their weight! Big hugs and I will keep my fingers crossed for you and think so many positive thoughts that your scan shows good news.

    How is Louis doing with all this? Having a active child and cc is just not fair but he always looks so happy in the pictures you post. You are obviously doing something right.

    Hold tight.


    the last few weeks have really been tough, more pain but the most aggravating thing has been the vomiting, almost every day. I don’t get nausea, just the urgency you feel in your cheeks just before you’re about to hurl and then I lose whatever meal(s) I’ve eaten in the past day or two. I am really wondering if I have some kind of high up obstruction, I am passing gas and although somewhat constipated I am still able to move my bowels. The stuff I am throwing up is often undigested, even the stuff I ate up to 24 hours. Needless to say my appetite has not been great and I am losing more weight. I joke that I have finally reached my Weight Watchers goal but in reality this is no laughing matter. Anyone else experience this? It just gets so depressing, especially since people who haven’t seen me for a while say how good I look (yeah? lose 45 lbs in less than 3 months!)

    On the other hand, I had my post sirspheres CT scan last week and will be getting the results from the oncologist tomorrow, don’t see the interventional radiologist until the following week. The way I have been feeling does not give me a good feeling about the outcome, but I am hoping for the best.

    Barb (aka, the commander)

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