Just curious.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Just curious.

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    Pam, thanks for bringing this up. We have FREE EMail cards and I use them quite often. I like that I can write my own note inside. If you look above at Get Involved and click on EMail Cards you will see them. Very easy to navigate and gets our name out there. I think there was also a request from the Boaord to see if anyone is artistic and can help design some new ones.


    Hi everyone.

    I just received the two sweatshirts I ordered for my Mom and Dad through the CC Foundation store. They are Christmas presents. I have also ordered t-shirts, sweatshirts, and wristbands in the past. I was just curious as to how much of the profits go to CC. I am hoping it is a lot since we really need the research. I also wanted to remind people that these items make great gifts and promote awareness at the same time. I don’t mean to sound like an advertisement, I just want to spread the word about CC. I really wish we would get notecards and greeting cards. I think they would be great sellers.
    Could someone on the board of directors please bring this topic up at a meeting. Thanks for listening.


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