Just joined the group wanted to say hello

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Just joined the group wanted to say hello

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    Hey John, don’t get discouraged. I was diagnosed in August 2007 (given 3 weeks to live) and I’m still alive and kicking.

    My tumor was originally 6 cm and with radiation and treatment (gemzar/xeloda) has shrunk over 50%. I feel fine except for fatigue and am still working and supporting my three kids. I’m a single parent.

    There is hope – some people respond very well to treatment, while others don’t. You just never know until you try. Attitude is very important, too.


    Hi all, now aged 6o was dignosed in February 2008 with cc and the past few months have been sort of mind-blowing. I dont think I have yet come to terms with this dreadful disease and find that I have a lot of time to think about my life ( good and bad ). I am no longer able to work so finances are tight but I can still get around without assistance and still drive. I am trying to remain positive but have the occasional lapse into morbidity. My prognosis was not to brilliant, in Februrary, I was given a year to live. Now 9 months have passed and I still feel ok. II am undergoing chemotherapy with Gemcitabine which has resulted in a size reduction so far. My next CT scan will be in the next 2 weeks and am hoping for a further reduction also. I suppose at the moment I could be considered to be in the early part of my illness and expect things to worsen during the coming months no doubt. At the moment though I dont know what to expect of the future and take things day by day. Thanks for being here, I just needed to talk to someone. John

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