Karl’s surgery cancelled

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    I hope that the doctors can come up with a new plan for you and Karl. BTW I am in the Seattle area as well.


    Dear Minnie, we are so very sorry to hear that Karl could not have the surgery.
    I agree that rest is in order and then the Oncologist may have a trick up his sleeve. Sending warm thoughts and Prayers your way and wishing for an alternative game plan.


    Hi Minnie,

    I am sorry to hear this news about Karl’s surgery. But please do not give up hope. I am hoping that when you can go see the onc that a new plan of attack can be formulated. Thinking of you both.

    Best wishes to you and Karl,




    Just to say how sorry I am for you and Karl that the surgery has been cancelled.

    I know how much stress this will have caused for you both, hopefully the oncologist will have a different plan of action.

    Sending you strength in your journey….



    minnie….I hope for both of you to get some rest. Tomorrow is another day for another round of attack.
    All my best wishes,


    It has to be so disappointing for both of you and all of the family and friends who are praying for you. This disease seems to be so much more variable than other cancers and diagnosed much later due to its insidious nature. I hope you find an alternative that can be effective. Good luck.


    Thank you all for your kind wishes. We went to the University of WA today for the pre-surgery stuff for tomorrow’s surgery and the doctor decided to do a new cat scan since the old one was 4 months ago. It turned out that his CC had spread too far into both sides of the ducts toward the liver for him to be able to get it out and they cancelled the surgery. The surgeon tried to get him scheduled tomorrow to replace the plastic stents for metal ones (he has two) but the GI doctor called us tonight and said they can’t put metal ones in because of the location. next step…….go home and consult with the oncologist about the possibility of chemo or radiation. It’s been a really long day!!!!! I guess we never what’s next, do we?

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