Keeping our fingers crossed…

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    That’s great news Mary. Hope you and Tom can go to Costa Rica. Sounds wonderful!

    Lisa, that’s so good you’re able to go without a stent and your tumor has shrunk! Fantastic.



    I had my stent removed a week ago, too, and so far no problems. It’s definintely better to be able to go without a stent, as it was causing infection and inflammation problems. Thanks be to God, my tumor has shrunk enough to be able to go without the stent.


    Thanks guys! He feels better all ready- I think it’s mentally uplifting to know you don’t have a foreign object stuck in you anymore. We stopped to get groceries on the way home and the first thing he said was ” do I still have to watch what I eat?” I tried to limit dairy products because they seemed to cause the stent to clog, as an old dairy farmer that was tough for him!
    Anyway Jeff you have a GREAT trip!! There must be something about Hawaii in March. My best friend and her husband are going and my brother and his wife have tickets. They may not make it though because she is fighting recurrent colon cancer and not doing too well.
    Take some pictures and post them for us! My dream is to go back to Costa Rica. We went for a 3 week trip for our 25 anniversary before Tom was diagnosed. It’s like a cheap Hawaii! We may make it back now- I was always afraid to travel in case he got clogged up or had an infection. Hopefully that’s over.
    Take care and best wishes to all. Mary


    I’m glad I started making it a habit to check recent post. I am so happy for you guys you can’t imagine! I’ll keep fingers, toes, and eyes crossed if need be. Ha! Great news.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    That is so wonderful. What a great Valentines Day gift. I think yours is a great story about sticking to your guns and demanding what you want. No metal stents and now look. I am tickeled for you.



    Wonderful news, Mary. Hoping along with you for the stent removal becoming a permanent situation.
    My best to your husband


    My husband went for his stent change today and they decided things continued to look so good that they removed it altogether. Hopefully he will be fine without it.We were always against them inserting a metal one because we had hoped for this day and the metal ones are permanent. He has had his stent changed 8 times since his diagnosis and hopefully this was his last ERCP for a long, long time! Mary

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