Labor bureau raids Osaka printing company over bile duct cancer deaths

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  • #70582

    Wow, Gavin. That goes along with the medical report on same cause. Pretty scary that these people were not protected from known carcinogens and Japan is not a 3rd world country where you might expect to see shoddy labor safety practices. Thanks for sharing.
    PS how’s you Mum? I spent a nice weekend w mine though her breathing is a bigger issue all the time. We went to the coast and to a beautiful botanical garden. My Dad is now on hospice and takes most of my attention. He’ll be 90 in May and its a relief to have hospice helping out, though he seems really stable now and ate well today when I was there for lunch. He’s not really sick or anything, just fading from Alzheimer’s and getting very thin. Luckily he’s comfortable and generally happy. Take Care!


    Labor bureau raids Osaka printing company over bile duct cancer deaths.

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