Lauren is finally getting what we have hoped and prayed for.

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Lauren is finally getting what we have hoped and prayed for.

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    This is great!!! We will be with you and Lauren every step of the way in thought and spirit !


    Oh my gosh, I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when I read the subject line of this post! I am so happy for you Lauren and your family.

    I am sure many emotions are going through your mind about now. Hang in there, she will do great!



    Truly fantastic news,Pam


    I am so happy for all of you. This is fantastic news!


    I already posted to your blog but can’t help to respond here as well. Words really can’t say how happy I am for you and your family. Miracles don’t come often enough for people with this cancer, and I’m beyond thrilled that one is happening for Lauren. She seems like such a strong and wonderful person, and with the strength she has, I believe she will come out of this with flying colours as she has with every other obstacle that’s been thrown her way thus far. So happy for you all!!!

    Congratulations you to you… such fantastic news!!



    Pam and Lauren…..this is just terrific news! So happy for your whole family….will be sending positive vibes and lots of prayers. Wow this just shows how much having a positive outlook, loving family and great Dcotors can do for you!


    Pam, so happy for Lauren and your family! She is young and strong and will do well with these surgeries. It is amazing to think such skilled surgeons like Dr. Sonnenday exist! I’ll be thinking of you all as plans get underway. Please update us like you always do as things move along. You and Lauren are special people to us! We care so much!



    I’m absolutely thrilled to hear the news. So happy for Lauren, you and your entire family. Sending my best wishes that everything goes exactly as Dr. Sonnenday has planned.

    I know you must be scared… hang in there.



    Pam…this is fantastic news…so rapped about the news…my thoughts and prayers with Lauren, you and family.



    Pam…..don’t know how you were able to keep this incredible news from us. Words cannot express my excitement for Lauren; she rocks, as does her medical team.


    I don’t post too much, but wanted to let you know how happy I am for you and Lauren. Look forward to hearing more good news for you. Lauren is lucky to have you. Would you please let Lauren know that she is in my thoughts and prayers every day.


    I am so glad Lauren is being given this opportunity!! I’ve been doing the happy dance!! I am just thrilled to hear this! I know it’s scary but sometimes you just have to believe things will work out! To be honest, I’m jealous, too. I’ll be counting down the days with you…



    I’m so excited! I was thinking that’s what it was or maybe a transplant.

    So glad to hear the good news. Lots of positive thoughts and prayers for Lauren. I’m sure she will do well.

    I had a resection, just one operation, though, not two like they are planning for Lauren. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I had very little pain.

    I think she will do great!
    Keep us posted! When is the big day?



    Hi Everyone! I have known about this since last Monday and I am so happy I can finally tell you all. I thought I was going to bust!!!! Lauren is going to get to have a resection!! She was thinking long and hard to make sure this is what she really wanted. She always knew she wanted to have the surgery, but her doctor said he wanted her to think for awhile to make sure she is in this 100% because it will be very tough. Lauren said she was sure she wanted to go ahead with the surgery because the other day she was thinking about it and she was actually happy for the opportunity. When we were first told about it, I think we were in shock because we had always hoped for it, but never really thought it would actually happen. Lauren is very stubborn and headstrong. She hasn’t called Dr. Sonnenday yet to tell him she wants to do it because she has said she would call him on Wednesday and that is what she is sticking to. Maybe that tough personality is what has gotten her to where she is. We talked to him last Monday when we were at U of M for over an hour. Lauren had like 4 pages full of questions. He answered every one of them. He actually wants to do 2 separate operations. The first will be laparascopic to make sure there is no disease outside her liver, remove the small tumors in her left side, and remove the healthy blood flow to the right side. The second one would take place about 6 weeks later after scans. That would be the big one where 2/3 of her liver is removed. The large tumor used to be around the portal and hepatic vein and artery. It is now just leaning near it. This is the right time for surgery with everthing he has seen. She has responded well to chemo and bounces back from everything they throw her way. Lauren asked Dr. Sonnenday why he wants to do this surgery and besides the obvious of wanting to help her, he said because he hates this cancer with a passion. We are so happy for such a wonderful surgeon. I will keep you all updated with news as I find more out. God bless you all that are suffering with this disease, caring for someone with disease, or have lost a loved one to this disease. We love you all.

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