Leg and feet swelling

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    Thanks very much. Your information has helped. Contacting appropriate people tomorrow.
    Appreciate your kind words.


    Call Mayo Clinics where he gets treatments;and tell them what happened or may be drop in ER to get faster attention; I thought Trevor has diuretic pills like Lasix and spironolactone to help the swelling condition. Ask the TPN (the pharmacist or the outfit that prepared the TPN) or the nutritional dept. to adjust the sodium ,water and electrolytes content in the TPN to minimize the additional water accumulation problem; Ask him to put his feet up when painful.
    Good luck Trevor, I will prayer for you.
    God bless.


    Eileen-I used TPN for 6 months and never had those symptons. Leg, arm, feet swelling is usually a sign of lymphedima (not sure if I spelled that correctly), which I had and had to be wrapped in compression bandages for weeks. You should contact your doctor because he could be cutting off circulation.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Since the start of TPN use, my son Trevor, has experienced swelling in both legs and feet. Initially, it was in the feet, but recently went to the legs. He started to wear T.E.D. anti-embolism stockings a few days ago. Last night and this morning he has had terrible pain in the knees and lower legs. While the feet are still swollen, there is no pain there. Any suggestions would, of course, most welcome.

    Thank you.

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