Let battle commence again … Sensitive reading ….

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    Lainie, I think we have GREEN boxing gloves! Lol
    Sandie, I am so gad you are positive and getting another opinion. Are they affecting your quality of life? If not, there are so many new options out there for “inoperables”. Good luck and please, please let us know how things are progressing.


    Sandie, good job! So happy you are going for another opinion! Oh, I know you are busy here you have to put on your pink boxing gloves and win another battle! We are all right behind you, wish we could do more. Can’t wait for the meeting.


    Thank you so much for your thoughts, love support which are so very much appreciated. At the moment I am aware that I have two tumours in the bottom of my stomach wall which I have been told are almost certainly inoperable due to the proximity of major blood vessels. I am transferrring to a specialist in Manchester in the UK and await a meeting with the team to decide the best plan of attack. Weapons are at the ready!

    Lainy, I’ll hold off on the job offer, too much work to do here!

    God bless dearest friends and thank you for being there.


    Sandy….don’t know where the recurrence popped up however; I do know that radiology treatments are used for this cancer. So, hang in there, dear Sandy, and let’s see what options you are offered and don’t give up. This cancer can be relentless, but you, dear Sandie, can be equally as responsive. Know that tons of hugs are heading your way.


    If I may, Sandie, I had my 3rd recurrence in June,2013. It was about 20 months after my 2nd resection on Oct. 2011. Therefore we are a kind of similar in the tumor growth rate for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma(CCA).
    Since I do not know about the medical systems in France, but if you can have a biopsy of the tumor to do a ” next-generation sequencing genomic profile “, it may be of value in current and future treatment. The idea was suggested to me in my 2nd consultation from MD Anderson for oncology consult .

    This CCA really a disease of its own; most other cancers, after the removal of the tumor will enjoy a much longer disease free period ,even primary liver cancer .

    I know how it feels when CCA come back to say hi to me. But I know and prepare it will be back anyway because of the odds are high for intrahepatic CCA.

    I will pray for you for your success in this second battle.

    God bless.


    Hi Sandie,

    So sorry you have a recurrence. I’d love to hear your plans to conquer this monster again! You can do it. Keep laughing, keep your chin up, fight on!

    Best wishes and lots of hugs!



    I agree with Lainy’s comments above and also want to add that if I can help in any way, I would gladly do so. The best help I can provide in the immediate mode is to tell you this community is behind you and will help get you through this new situation.

    All the best,


    Dearest Sandy, What the heck is going on? Where did it return to and what does the ONC want to do. You WILL win because you have the right attitude. Anyway, I asked Teddy if he had work for you in his Italian Restaurant as a Bar Steward and he said you are going to have to wait quite a while as he has a long list of people waiting for work. Oh, and Percy has decided to open a Chinese Restaurant across the street for competition maybe he will be wanting someone to write fortunes for the cookies. But both deals are far away in the future.
    I am not making light of anything, Dear Sandy, honestly I had humor all through Teddy’s 5 years. And I am nuts too!
    Please give us some more info on what was found etc. BTW no one knows why. Why anything bad in life. I say, without the bad one doesn’t appreciate the good. Then you can ask, I guess, but does it have to be that bad. Hang in there, you know you are not alone in this and we’d like to hear more. Prays going out to your family and friends, be strong. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!


    Keep smiling, laughing and giggling. Don’t let it win!
    I hope this roller coaster ride is short! What is the plan? Chemo, surgery, immunotherapy?

    Hugs and SMILES to give you strength,


    I was free of the monster for 18 months … but it has returned and the battle and the roller coaster ride start again. I cry, I scream, I laugh, I smile …. I am still me … I will not let it win. Why me, why anyone, why does this monster invade our lives with no thought, care or discrimination? It has no value, no meaning, it causes nothing but suffering and pain. No words can explain the anger, the intense emotional pain, the deep fears or the sheer hatred for this monster that wants to control me. Why why why? I could explode into tiny pieces because I know this bar-steward will leave my dearest family and friends with pain that they so do not deserve. Please pray for them, please pray for me to have the strength to keep laughing and giggling and pray that I will win another battle.

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