
Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Letters.letters.letters

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  • #22591

    Actually I have found the letters to be more effective. I only used 2 posts but really we prefer the letters. So, we will make this today’s reminder! We have until Sunday to get the letters in. I am not sure that 20 letters between us will do the job. I was thinking bigger is better! An attention getter. So, we shall see what happens. To all you heroes out there just keep the letters coming!!!



    You have my permission to use my posts.



    I emailed with Stacie and the answer to copying posts is that we would need permission, just so people feel feel better about it in case they were called to the show! Just this morning 4 permissions came through. Sophie, hope you are feeling better. Maybe this will perk you up. I have 13 letters! Keep them coming. We have until Sunday! Again if we do not get enough, we will abort for now and perhaps down the road we can try again. I would hate to see this happen as we really do not have time to waste! Who knows that better than all of you!!!

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