Link between CC and Lamisil?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Link between CC and Lamisil?

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    Hi Bob,

    Your question is certainly not dumb at all and there is nothing wrong what so ever for thinking outside the box. I can’t really help here though apart from saying that my dad never took Lamisil. I never knew what that was so I googled it to find out about it. But as far as I am aware, he never used that. I hope you find some answers Bob.

    Best wishes,



    Thanks Marion. I don’t really think it was the source of my cancer as cancer runs deep and wide in my family. I just made the mental connection between CC and liver disorder and was curious.

    It will be intersting to see if anyone else made a similar connection.


    Bill….not a dumb question at all and I hope for others to respond. What I have learned is that everything is processed via the liver hence you see the numerous cautions re: possible liver damage. This includes medications prescribed by a physician and those available over the counter. Keep searching, dear Bill.


    This might be a really dumb question, but I was thinking about my bought of CC last year and remembered that I took Lamisil a year or so before the cancer. I took it for about 3 months. I’ve done some internet searching and found nothing.

    It occurred to me only because Lamisil can cause liver damage if not monitored/administered properly. I was wondering if anyone here had taken it before CC. You never know if you don’t think outside the box!

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