Linking forum search results

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    Thanks, Jason. We are very close to launching the updated website. The search function will be more responsive than the one we are working with at the moment, but I very much hope that you can help guide us through navigating the new site. I have copied your posting and have forwarded to Rick in the meantime. Soon after the new site is up and running, Rick and you might want to discuss Wiki and how to move forward with it.



    Thanks for posting this. I just went through this today and just before reading this I copied and pasted the information into my reply. Next time I will know better and do it your way. :)

    Thanks for taking the time to figure this out and educate the rest of us. I will be watching for updates should you find a better more foolproof method. :)



    Many people reply to questions by posting links to forum search results.

    Unfortunately, many of these links do NOT link to the desired search.

    I finally figured out what was causing some links to work and some to fail. It has to do with the type of search that was performed.

    Performing a “regular” search creates a search page that only works for you.

    For example, if I search for “radioembolization” using the search function, I get the following link:

    It may not be visible, but the link only references something called a “search_id.” That “search_id” identifies the search, but as far as I can tell, the search_id is associated with my account and will eventually expire.

    HOWEVER, if you use the “advanced search” function (an option on the search page), then you get a link that is available to anyone. For example, if I use the advanced search function to look for posts with the keyword “radioembolization” I get the following link:

    Again, the entire link may not be visible, but the key thing is that there is no “search_id” in the link, and instead there is a “keywords=radioembolization” in the link.

    The second link should work, and the first link will not.

    Bottom line:
    If you want to post a link to search results,
    -use the “advanced search” option, and
    -make sure that your link does not have a “search_id” embedded in it*


    *Just to make it complicated, the advanced search function can sometimes create a “search_id” link. Weirdly, it only happens rarely. If it happens just try the search again until you get a “keyword” link. I will update this post if I figure out a more foolproof method.

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