Lips going blue and shivering inside

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    Hi Nicole,

    Yep, thats the word I was looking for, balaclava! Not just for criminals and bank robbers they are I guess! For sure though in your part of the world in winter people do have to take extra care from the temps when going through treatment. I guess the Parisian look with scarf and beret may not just be enough to deal with the cold winters! When my dad got his PDT treatment he had to protect his eyes and skin from direct light for about 8 weeks. He had to wear the darkest glasses possible, gloves and a wide brimmed hat when he left the hospital and went outside as the light would burn him. He thought he looked like Michael Jackson though!!

    My best to you both,



    Hi Gavin,

    you mean a balaclava, the thing that criminals wear. I can just see my hubby with one of those. Ha-ha!. He will have to be careful though. I was thinking more the Parisian gentleman with a scarf and beret. Thanks for the advice.


    Glad to be of help Nicole. Could you get one of these hat type things that also covers most of the face and mouth? Think that that would be of great help to your husband this winter.

    My best to you both,



    Thanks Gavin,
    The Macmillan site actually says to cover mouth and throat on cold days….It will be an interesting fall and winter.


    Thanks for that Nicole. Hope that it doesn’t come back, and hope the weather warms up a bit as well for you over there!

    Here is a link with some more info on Oxaliplatin for you –

    Best wishes,



    Thank you everyone for your replies. It has not recurred but the temp outside is much better today. It was 1 C. or 33 F. and he said he felt cold. Also, he had a cup of tea and it went away immediately. We can not reach the onc on weekends. If it happens again, we will go to ER. We wondered if it was like the reaction to cold in his hands from the oxiplatin and as I am writing this and looked up the info they gave us which says” can cause numbness or tingling of the fingers toes or around the mouth”. It recommends protecting himself from exposure to cold so we will be more vigilant from now on.



    Hi Dollin,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear about your husband. But glad that you’ve joined us here as you’re in the best place for support and help. Does your husband have any heart issues? Blue lips can be a sign of low blood oxygen and poor circulation. My mum had issues with blue lips and the mouth area when she was in hospital after a heart attack and they said the blue lips were down to her heart issues.

    Personally if it was me, I would take your husband to the E&R today and get him checked out. Have you called the onc at least to get their opinion on this? IMO, blue lips and mouth are something that needs to be investigated as soon as possible.

    Please let us know how you get on, and know that we are here for you and we care.

    My best to you and your husband,



    Nicole, I would not hesitate to call the oncologist to get their input. If the oncologist says it’s okay to wait until your husband’s next appointment, then you should be okay…especially if the symptoms haven’t returned. I also wouldn’t hesitate to go to the ER immediately, if there was a hint that the symptoms are returning.

    Julie t


    If it has stopped that is good, if It happens again, please take him to ER or call the ONC. My husband had many of these and the longer one waits and if it is an infection, the harder it gets to get it under control. This is what we call one of our roller coaster rides! Hope your hubby stays off this ride.


    Thank you Lainy. Yes, he does have a stent and I also thought infection but I checked his temperature and it was normal. He is due for a treatment this week so we will ask about this especially if it recurs.


    Dear Nicole, welcome to the best place to be for Cholangiocarcinoma support, which I believe is your husband’s Cancer, please verify that this is what he has. Does he have stents in his bile ducts. Usually the stents can get infected and cause chills with a high fever in which case he needs to go to ER and be put on an antibiotic like Levaquin and may also need a stent exchange. It could also be a reaction to the chemo treatment. I have never heard of blue lips. Either way I would definitely call his ONC and see what you should do. Best of luck to you.


    My husband has a rare bile duct cancer and is on oxyplatin and 5 FU. He has had 2 treatments and only minor side effects like digestive upsets and tingly fingers. Yesterday however, we were out to lunch with family and we noticed his lips and area around his mouth going blue. anyone else have this problem?

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