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  • #86330

    Thanks Julie, I did go back on and saw the post. Also got a thank you for posting. So figured it had to be there somewhere.


    Darla, Do you still have the window open for the obituary website for LisaS? Sometimes that is the problem seeing posts. You have to close the window for the site and then reopen to see your post. I went to the site and can now see all of our posts, including yours.

    Julie T.


    I saw all the condolences on her Facebook page starting a couple days ago. So saddened to see this disease take another wonderful life. From the condolences it was plain to see that she was well loved by all. I didn’t ever get a chance to meet her face to face but she did provide some good support when I was at my wit’s end with Mark.



    I did post on the Caring Bridge site on behalf of the Foundation, but have tried to post on the obituary link and it doesn’t show up. At first I was thinking the postings are delayed for some reason, but when it didn’t show up I tried again and still don’t see it. Has anyone else had a problem with it? I do see your post Julie and also Duke’s. Not sure what my problem is.


    Thank you for letting us all know about Lisa. I’ve posted on the condolence site also and urge everyone to do so.


    Thanks for letting us know about Lisa Darla, Real sorry to hear this news and my thoughts tonight are with Lisa’s family and friends.

    Hugs to all,



    Thank you, Darla, for sharing this heartbreaking news with us. For those that want to read up on Lisa’s journey, she had posted on our blog:

    Dr. Celinski had performed surgical bypass on Lisa and it is due to her that I was able to connect with him. Dr. Celinski then provided an overview of this subject on our web presentation:

    My heart breaks for Lisa’s family.

    Duke, perhaps you would want to add your affiliation with the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation to your signature: All of us are members of the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation.

    Time to hold each other tight.


    If you go to the website referenced above, you will have an opportunity to add condolences. I signed it “Duke” which is how she knew me. My birth name will mean nothing to her.



    Oh, Darla, not what we want to hear but thank you so much for the announcement and how ironic that LisaS entered your mind. What a wonder woman she was, wow! It is very apparent to me that CC takes only all the very best. I know that she is now at peace and probably checking in on our CC site as we write. My condolences to her family.


    For some reason I was thinking about LisaS and that she hadn’t posted anything for a long time. Checked when she last posted and it was in May 2014. Went to her Caring Bridge site to see how she is doing and was shocked to find that she passed away 3 days ago. Here is the link to her obituary for anyone who is interested:

    She will be missed. RIP Lisa

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