liver resection

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    Thanks, to all of you who answered….It made me feel very good.

    Since his surgery, I have done a lot of research, and there is a good change he will survive longer than the odds. His Dr’s only told him to followup with a Hepatologist. They suggested an MRI in 6 months, but I know he would feel more comfortable, if they did it in 3 months.

    He is starting to get a better appetite, and even has gone back to work, for a few hours a day….we will see how long that will last. He still gets very tired.

    I am happy to have met you all, only I wish it was under better circumstances.



    Hi d517,

    This is Sue, cancer buddy to Kris. Congrats on your husbands surgery! As far as what the doctor said…NO, it does not ALWAYS come back. More often than not, it does. But there are survivors. I am one. My surgery was January of 2007, and I am still cancer free, so you can see it is closing in on 4 years. My tumor was almost 6cm and I had clean margins and no mets. I did not have Hep C, so I am sure that is a factor, but no one knows what will happen and he has been given a wonderful chance at recovery!

    It too me 2 1/2 to 3 months before I really felt “normal” again after surgery. I was so tired and had no appetite, so it sounds like he is following the same path. It’s a very intense surgery, so the body has to heal. Hopefully he will feel better soon.

    We are so glad you found us. The people in this forum are amazing and will do everything in their power to help you by answering any questions and giving all kinds of encouragement.



    Welcome to our family and congratulations on your husband already being a survivor. As Kris and Gavin stated, this Cancer has it’s own mind and we just don’t stick to rules and regulations. We like to say we try to remain realistically optimistic. Have the doctors mentioned a post surgery plan? He has had a huge surgery and ti will take some time to recover. Stay strong and we wish you the best of luck.


    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site. Glad that you have joined us all but sorry that you had to find us. That is good to hear that your husband was able to have the liver resection and although you say his recovery is slow, I hope that it goes well over the coming months.

    I know that all of this is hard to deal with and I felt the same when my dad was diagnosed. He was diagnosed back in 2008 with inoperable CC and it felt like a huge kick in the gut when we were told the news. But what I would say is try and focus on the positive. Your husband was able to have a resection and his tumour has not spread into any other tissue. And as Kris says, sometimes it may come back and sometimes it does not, no one can say for definite either way.

    I hope that you will keep coming back here as you will get a load of support and help from us all if we can. And please, feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will all try and help if we can.

    Best wishes to you and your husband,



    Welcome to the site and hope we all can help you with the support and information you need.

    I am a slow recoverer. It does take awhile to get everything going again and your strength up. I wasnt anywhere near recovered for 4 to 6 months after my resection. It is a hard surgery on the body. They say something like give one month of recovery for each hour of anestesia (boy is that spelled bad)

    As to the cancer coming back. Yes it does sometimes,no it doesnt sometimes. Another member here called Sue and I had our liver resections at the same time. My cancer came back after 2 years, hers didnt and now she is working close to being 4 years cancer free in a couple of months. So you just dont know which group you will fall into…and neither does your doctor.
    Take care.


    My husband just had a liver resection on Aug 27th 2010. He is a Hep C survivor, and also has cirrhosis. He is having a hard time recovering. He is very tired, and has no appetite. Is this normal after resection? His tumor was 1cm, and he was told it didn’t invade any other tissue, but we were also told the prognosis is still not very good for long term survival, and patients will have a recurrence of this cancer again….that it is not curable. This is very sad news to us.

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