Liver resection Dr. Chapman Barnes Jewish Hospital

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    Brenda, my goodness, don’t be so hard on yourself. I am more scatterbrained than you and I don’t have near as much on my plate. Try to take each day at a time , don’t look back and don’t look forward. You are doing fine just keep that HOPE up, we do have some miracles on this Board. Can’t wait to hear what Dr. Chapman says! Be Strong!


    Yes Daisy, we have been to Barnes twice in the last month. The second appt was with intervential Radiolgy , that was to dicuss my husband having a chemoliation, my spelling is bad, after we got home, the team at Barnes called with question as to us coming down for a 3 day asessment for a transplant, NO PROMISE’ But at least we have hope and we sure need that at this point. Dr Chapman told us that first appt that the sitiation was a tough one but did not say NO. It’s worth a try as my husband is getting weaker. What a horrible disease !!!!
    Lainey I know my posts are sort of scatter brained but I am both happy and sad and very tired these days so thanks for the wishes and hope


    Brenda and Daisy Welcome and sorry you had to find us!! I am Dr. Chapman’s success story!! Tomorrow July 31, 2013 will be 5 years since I was diagnosed with CC and given 6-8 months to live! I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. Chapman!! I can’t type fast enough as my thoughts flow about that man. Dr. Chapman is a “Hero”. The best way to describe him is like having an angel in your room!! I have so many names and stories to share about when Dr. Chapman said “yes” while other said “no”!
    Please call me I have so much information to share and an amazing story to tell full of HOPE. I just was the key note speaker for Relay for Life and have a you tube video posted on my facebook page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan). I also keep my story posted on under the telegraph. Please call if you need a ride or a place to stay. Part of my miracle is the place and man that saved my life is 20 mins away. I would love to pay it forward and help while you are in St. Louis.
    I will be at Barnes tomorrow July 31 for my 6 month scans so if either of you are in the area I would love to meet up. Please call or email 618-567-3247 or
    Lots of prayers and HOPE!-Cathy


    Ok Brenda I just re read your post…so,you did see Dr.Chapman? When you were there they said things were bad?? Then called you back?? I am a bit confused???


    No apologies needed Brenda! My sister is there now!! She is having her tests tomorrow and her consult on Wednesday. I will be in touch and let you know how she makes out. I will tell you this they did not rent a car they took a taxi costing about $35. They said there are shuttles from the hotel to the hospital and to many restaurants and shops. Heather at Dr. Chapmans office is beyond helpful. My sisters oncologist basically said chemo was her only option as well as the doctor who gave her, her second opinion. I will say the doctor who gave us a second opinion never even saw the films only the written reports because our local oncologist failed to deliver all the needed images etc. I feel that our second opinion was not well thought out. Dr. Chapmans office has spent more time with us before we were even his patient than the other 2 doctors put together. After being treated so poorly this experience feels too good to be true. With that thought in mind I searched high and low and only found amazing reviews on Dr. Chapman. He even was voted number 1 doctor in America last year. So I will be in touch tomorrow is test day results and game plan on Wednesday. My sister has a stent in and has a 6cm tumor on her liver. She has a klatkens tumor which our doctors said was inoperable. With a prognosis of less than a year we feel that’s more aggressive approach is a risk we are wiling to take.


    Brenda, YIPPEE!! Your cheering section is now starting. It’s what we do best, cheers and Prayers, HUGS and good vibes. I am sure it will not be a long wait now that he says, come on down! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to hear what he has to say. Hang in and be strong.


    We have gotten the call that my HUsband has been accepted by Dr Chapman to at least have the Transplant asessment, no promises, But we will take it!!!I feel better just knowing that we are doing all we can for him . Now to get the dates, hopefully soon.
    Daisey, I am sorry for high jacking your post, I am new and honestly was not sure where to post, I am working on it…
    I wish your sister all the luck in the world , maybe we both will benifit from out St Louis appt.


    Thanks for telling us more, Brenda. Wow! You both have been through some bad stuff. Yes, there certainly is a lot of information to absorb. You will become a CC expert…something no one asked for. Brenda never look back with this Cancer, only ahead. Don’t waste needed energy on would haves could haves. I sure hope you get that call quickly and since I know you will leaving quickly can you just write a one word post to us saying MAYO and we will know you are on your way.


    Thanks Lainy! I am so new to this but I have been a lurker since last winter.I feel like I have let my husband down by not getting another opinion way before now.We started with the best ,Mayo so I just thought that some how some way that he would be ok. Mayo is wonderful but they never said or maybe I missed it, that there is no chance. I thought the treatment took care of it and follow up MRI and Cat Scans. It has been 14 months since diagnosis, Our local GI dr asked Mayo what plans was in store for him and they said NONE . You can bet that we will take the appt with Barnes, we might not even stop there if we have to we will go for a third appt. But I should be hearing back today, I can pack pretty fast, and we will go when they say My husband has been pretty weak and I am so worried that his liver is getting worse. He has no stints but then no one said he needs one. Ascites and leg swelling, vomiting was awful until recently] promethazine[ has finally stopped that BUT the side effects are bad, Zofran did not touch it. Now he has lost weight and the ascites has quit for the last 6 weeks. He was having 6 liters drawn off every 10 or 12 days for a couple of months. Thanks for being here, so much imformation.


    Hello Brenda on the Farm. Welcome to our extraordinary family. We sure thank you for checking in with your story. Your husband is that perfect example of the fact there is always HOPE! When is his appointment? Perhaps your husband and Daisy’s Sister will be there at the same time! Looking forward to a report on your husband so please do keep us posted! Best of luck.


    Hello Daisey, my husband has cc and had a liver tumour also cirrosis. Theraspere July 2012 , liver functions were worse afterwards. And then …..nothing, just follow up mris and cat scan. When asked finally what was next, the answer was ” no treatment plan” I was blown away and heartbrken to say the least.
    After more than a few tears, I recalled reading about Dr Chapman here and placed the calls needed for a apt. which we got in to see him and his team in one week. He explained that the situation was not good for my husband , but he didn’t say : No: either. We came back home and waited for further word, yay, nay or what, Barnes called and they want my husband down for 2 full days of tests and talking. YEAH That gives us hope. And that means alot to us.



    Hi Daisy. Please keep in mind that all Doctors see things differently and some are more aggressive than others. Some local Docs are not “up” to it on CC which is why we always say to make sure your ONC and Hospital have seen more than their fair share of CC Patients. CC is still fairly rare and in some cases very difficult to Diagnose and treat. She IS going to a great Hospital and ONC in STL and that is what matters now. And yes, her Diagnosis has happened before. BTW thanks for reposting as I am sure this is going to bring more responses. It is not that Dr. Chapman has more procedures than SK it’s a matter of how far he is willing to go. I hope you have been reading some of our past posts as it is a good way to get familiar with this strange CC. Knowledge is the best tool to fight this with as it is a whole new strange world. Honestly your Sister seems to have a good hold on this as she really picked 2 of the best. Where does your Sister live? Please keep us posted and be strong.


    My sister will be heading to St. Louis to meet with Dr. Chapman to discus a liver resection. She has a 6cm tumor on her liver and our local doctors here have told us that she is inoperable as well as a second opinion at Sloan?? She found Dr. Chapman and now is flying out there to get a third opinion. I gues my question is that if Dr. Chapman has procedures that can be used to treat her why didn’t a major cancer center like Sloan and her own local doctor have no idea? I am nervous for her…we went from less than a year to possible recovery? IS THIS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE???

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