Liver Transplant?

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    Hi Jen,

    I hope it all goes well for your dad.

    My best wishes to you, Lu and your dad,



    Best of luck Jen.



    I think Lu has set up an appointment with the Mayo and I have a friend of a friend who works at the Mayo and is looking into the treatment protocols for us. I’ve heard that about starting any kind of treatment and my dad hasn’t had nor will he have a needle biopsy. So the next couple weeks we’ll keep finding more information and keep plugging away. It’s confusing but thank you to everyone it does help if anything makes us ask more questions.

    Will keep you posted on what today’s surgeon says.


    Hi Jen,
    Please make sure you check all avenues for transplant BEFORE starting chemo/radiation or any other treatment. Also – no needle biopsies. Prior treatments and the needle biopsy can disqualify a potential transplant patient as most of the centers performing them have strict guidelines they follow. I’m not certain about portal vein involment, but the people I have followed in the Mayo protocol USUALLY seem to have Klatskin tumors that are at the bifurcation where the bile duct splits. ( of course there may be many more scenerios). Please keep in mind there are only a handful of centers in the US that do the transplant protocol and if you are not already at one of them there is a chance your doctor is unfamiliar with all of your options. It is definitely worth a second or third opinion. My mother was sucessfully transplanted at Mayo after Yale gave her no surgical option.
    Wishing you the best.



    Have you received the information you needed? Please feel free to e-mail me if you need anything else.


    I dont think you can be a candidate if you have portal vein involvement. The selection for liver transplation is very specific and very narrow. But perhaps you could contact those centers that do transplation and get a more detailed answer.



    Thank you for responding. I did try the search and found a few other articles. It’s more of just trying to wrap my brain around it. Which as you know in any real way is almost impossible. When people say this one is tricky they’re not lying.

    Thanks again.


    Hi Jen,

    Sorry I can’t help you with this question, but I am sure that someone else will be along soon that can help you. In the meantime, have you used the search function here at the top of the page as that may give some answers.

    Best wishes,



    Good morning all,

    I am trying to find information regarding liver transplant and when it is and is not an option. Our dad was diagnosed on Jan 2nd with CC and we saw a surgeon who said it was inoperable due to it’s position and the portal vein. My confusion is when doctor’s say it’s inoperable why then in cases is a liver transplant an option? I’ve been scouring the internet and the Mayo site and maybe it is simply because every case is different, but if it’s on the portal vein doesn’t that pretty much exclude any kind of surgery?

    We have an appointment with another surgeon tomorrow and have seen a radiology oncologist and our dad will have another CT scan and possibly start radiation therapy next week if Dr. Traverso says it is in fact inoperable. I’ll of course run my questions through him but I was just hoping to go into the appointment with all the information we can possibly find.

    Thank you all for your help and guidance! This site helps so much and good luck everyone!

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