Living with CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Living with CC

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    Welcome. Like Marion said there are several here who have had enough shrinkage to have surgery. Suzanne comes to mind. Hopefully she will pop back in soon.

    Good luck on your treatments.



    Hello, Christy!! :D


    Welcome, Christy, Mother of 3, to our wonderful Family! You sound like a wonderful person with lots of spunk and attitude. I am sorry I can’t help with much that involves the liver as my husband’s is in the bile duct itself. Unfortunately on that score I know more than I ever wanted to. Your doctor sounds very good but if you ever doubt anything remember you can always get another opinion. Keep up the good work, the good fight and please keep us informed.


    Hi Christy,

    Welcome to the site although I am sorry that you had to find us. I hope that you will keep coming back here as you will get a load of support and help from us all, we are a very friendly bunch! Please feel free to ask as many questions as you have and I am sure that someone will be able to give you some answers. I can’t help you with your question as my dad never went through this, but I’m sure someone will be along soon that can help you.

    I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and have more energy now than you did when diagnosed, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for more good news from your MRI scan in June.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hello Christy and welcome to our group. Several people on this board have had shrinkage of the tumors leading to a resection. I am hoping that they will come forward and share with your their experience. We have also seen patients with tumors that became inactive proceeding varioius treatments. You might want use the search function in order to read through several of the threads discussion this topic including those treated with Y-sphere. Again, a warm welcome to you and I am glad that you have found us.
    Best wishes coming your way,


    My name is Christy. I am 37 and the mother of three children. I was diagnosed with CC in Dec. 2009. I received Y-90 SIRspheres at the Mayo in FL in Feb. 2010. My tumors are all in my liver. The largest one in the the left lobe starting at 13 cm. The next biggest one is in the caudate lobe starting at 3 cm. There are several small 0.5 to 1 cm mets in the right lobe also. Follow up MRI in April shows decreased blood supply to all tumors and necrosis of all tumors. Also bile ducts are more patent. The largest tumor now only measures 11 cm but the next tumor is now 5 cm. The Dr. says not to worry though b/c there was 3 weeks between original MRI and radiation. I do feel better and I have more energy than when I was diagnosed. My next MRI is scheduled for June. Is there anyone out there who has had enough shrinkage from radiation and chemotherapy to eventually be able to have surgery?

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