long absence

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! long absence

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    This might be one of those times to implement the “5 minute” rule which states…..Do five minutes and then tackle the next 5 minutes.

    Worrying is hard work and it drains you. Take care of yourself and know that we are here for you. Someone sent me a quote that says: Worry shared is half worry; Joy shared is double joy. Maybe it would help to share your worry with your husband or close friend.

    I am sending good thoughts and many hugs your way. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.



    Worrying is part of cc. We all do it. Alot of the time it is for nothing. I hope that is what is happening in your case.

    Good thoughts coming your way.



    Hello again, Judy…..Not long ago one of my friends ended up in hospital due to excessive vomiting. Several tests were run but, nothing was identified. I, of course, felt that they should also check her CA 10-9 because, well you know why. My friend is just fine now. I am hoping the same is true for you. Certainly, I am sending all my good vibes your way. Judy, I remember you contemplating going back to Europe next year. Have you made any plans yet?
    Tons of good wishes going all the way to Australia,


    It’s been a while since I’ve been to this site and I have been generally well. My last lot of treatment was combined chemo and radiotherapy which finished in October last year. I have had 2 hospital admissions since then for jaundice where I had more stents put in but otherwise I’ve been well. The last CT scan in January was all good. But recently I have been having symptoms which sound a lot like gastric cancer. I fervently hope it is just a virus but I will see the doctor on Monday and pray that it is the lesser of 2 evils. I’ve not said a word to either my husband or kids. I try not to be negative. Iit has been 4 years since my initial diagnosis and everyone is amazed at how I’m doing and the longer you survive the more is seems like a dream you were sick in the 1st place. My dad died of gastric cancer and I am really worried.

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