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  • #17859

    5 years! That’s great.

    I do not know of Oncs in the Albany area but do have another thought. I use an oncologist 2.5 hours away who has extensive CC experience but I am also fortunate to have a local oncologist who orders the labs for me etc. The two of them are willing to talk and we decide on, or against, treatment based on a 3 way dialog. I maintain the final say.
    I realize this is just one more way I am very fortunate but it does work for me and gets the specific expertise w/o extensive travel. I do make the drive a few times a year and am also able to see my surgeon at the same time. (who is now an honorary member of my family)



    thanks sara. he is in the same office but we will consider.


    bosco – Here was the recommendation:

    Dr. Michael Kolodziej
    317 South Manning Blvd
    Albany, NY 12208

    I hope that helps! (and is someone different than who your sister is currently seeing!)


    bosco – I don’t know of one in Albany, NY, but I will check with our contacts to see if they know of a good one. It looks like you’re right in the middle of Sloan Kettering and Dana Farber…neither one appears close enough to be practical, although both have some great options for oncologists. I’ll get back with you ASAP.


    i am looking for an oncologist in the albany, ny area for my sister. she currently is a five
    year survivor and has been on nexavar for approx. 4 months. she is unhappy with her
    current oncologist.

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