Looking for other treatment options

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Looking for other treatment options

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  • #37666

    Welcome, Tom!! I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. I’m sorry I have no information about the treatment you mention but I definitely endorse the others’ advice about seeking further opinions.

    My very best wishes to you & your sister.



    Dear Tom….. Docetaxel is also known as Taxotere. You may want to use the google search function, top, right-hand side of page in order to read up on previous postings discussing Taxotere chemotherapy.
    I am sending all my best wishes your way,


    Hi Tom,

    Welcome to the site although I am sorry that you have to be here. And I am sorry to hear about your sister. Lainy is right in that a 2nd or 3rd opinion could be looked at if you have not already done that. I can’t help you with the chemo drug that you mention as my dad never had chemo or radiation. He had photodynamic therapy, PDT, as his only treatment. I don’t know if this would be suitable for your sister or not, but I guess that it is something that might be worth discussing with your sisters doctors.

    I hope that you will keep coming back here as you will get a lot of support from us all, and if we can help in any way at all then we will.

    My best wishes to you and your sister,



    Welcome, Tom, to our wonderful Family! We are so very sorry to hear about your sister. The only thing I would like to add is that you can always go for a 2nd and 3rd opinion, which is what we suggest when hitting that wall. I know you will be hearing from other family members and please keep us posted as we do care.


    Hi Tom,
    I was diagnosed in August 2007. I have gone through several different chemos, but the one that I am on now is a combination of three drugs:
    epirubicin/cisplatin/5-FU. This has contained the spread since Oct. 09. Have they tried this on your sister?


    My sister was diagnosed in June of 2009 with cholangeocarcinoma at the young age of 42. She has undergone two different types of chemo as well as radiation therapy. The cancer is still spreading and now her doctor has told her that she is down to the end and that there is one other treatment that they will try and if that does not work they are out of options. The drug they are now going to try is docetaxel.
    Does any one know anything about this drug or any other type of treatment that I can look into? I am new to this discussion board and posting, however I am willing to look into anything that will extend my sisters time.

    Thank you in advance for any feedback as it is very much appreciated.


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