Lots of fevers but no infection

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    Thanks so much – – the CC really is a strange animal eh. He’s had a few infections and some abseses on the liver, which cleared up with the antibiotics. I agree, that it seems too high for tumor fever. We’ll see, like someone else posted the other day, maybe he is just a hot tamale!! Anyway, we’re watching it close.

    Thanks again to all of you, it is such a comfort having all of you there.

    Warmest wishs,

    PS – Lainy, we’ll be back in Phoenix – although he’ll be treated at SK, the Mayo is his ‘home’ hospital now. they’ve been so, so good to him.


    I run fevers during first couple of days of chemo. When I was off chemo, fever came from non specific infection (they didnt know whether it was in my bowels or from the port). I have been on antibiotics now for over 2 weeks and things have pretty much cleared up. The interesting thing was that bloodwork and cultures never came back as any infection, but as soon as I was on the antibiotics, vomiting stopped, diarrea cleared up and fever went down *(this was on my off week of chemo) . So who knows what was wrong with me.

    Take care.


    My mom had fevers also but they lasted on part of a day. Despite the fact that she hated being cold, the doctors said we must take off the electric blanket and let her body cool down. That and cold compresses (which she hated) brought her fever down rapidly. No infection.



    Actually Teddy is out doing 9 this morning. I personally don’t know of anyone at SK but understand its quite good. Try our Search engine and just put in Sloan K. Good luck on the move and hope the temps come down. Say, could one of his docs at Mayo recommend someone? Sorry you are leaving Phoenix.


    Danielle….Has an absess ruled out? Did your husband have a temperature of a 103 before receiving chemo? Please, contact any of the physicians involved in your husband’s treatments. In my opinion, the temperature is too high to be dismissed as tumor fever. It is always something, isn’t it? This cancer keeps us on our toes.
    I am sending my good wishes your way and for the answer to be found real soon.


    Thanks Lainy,
    We’re not sure what it is but suspect that they stem from his body fighting the cancer. Some doctors have said that it might be tumor fever…we’re hoping for the best and trying to have a normal life (once he heals from the gallbladder removal surgery – they had to cut him open so his body is working overtime tyring to heal.

    We’re in North Scotsdale fairly close to the Mayo hospital but neither of us are there right now. We’re preparing to move to NY and have heard that Sloan Kettering is very good. On that note, may i ask you and everyone reading this let me know if you know of a good oncologist at SK with expertise in bile duct cancer?

    Hope that Teddy is doing well – is he back on the golf course? :)


    Hi Daniele, Yes Teddy has run fevers for what seemed to be no apparent reason. But his would last a day and be gone. When they lasted longer it was usually a sign of impending infection. We are also in Phoenix. What area are you in?


    My husband continues to run medium to high fevers every day (38.5 -39 / 102-103) every day but he no longer has any infections. He had a few in the past which only lasted for a few days but has run a fever for the past few months. It has been higher recenty than before. His CC is in his bile duct (Klatskin) and there are some small mets on his liver. He had his first hit of chemo on Friday. Has this happened to any of you (or your loved ones with CC?)
    I am grateful for your thoughts on this. Thanks so much, Danielle

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