Maggie’s Centres – For UK members

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    Just thought I would post a link for those in the UK who may not have heard of Maggie’s Centres. There are 15 centres in the UK based mainly in the grounds of major hospitals.

    What is Maggie’s?
    Maggie’s is about empowering people to live with, through and beyond cancer by bringing together professional help, communities of support and building design to create exceptional centres for cancer care.

    Maggie’s Centres are for anyone affected by cancer. They are places where people are welcome whenever they need us – from just being diagnosed, or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement.

    We also welcome family and friends, as they are often deeply affected by cancer too. We know that those who love and look after someone with cancer can feel just as frightened, vulnerable and uncertain.

    Here is a list of some of the help and support that is available there –

    Our center in Dundee opened in 2003, I think it was the 3rd Maggies. Anyway, they opened more in Scotland, England, Hong Kong and more are planned for cities in England and Barcelona. They offer great face to face courses, group activities and classes of many different types. They are well worth checking out for UK members who are close to one.

    They run an upper GI support group every second month in Dundee so I am assuming that many of the other centre’s also run a similar group that may also be of interest to UK members.


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