maitake mushroom and gemzar / xeloda combination

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More maitake mushroom and gemzar / xeloda combination

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    asked doctor today and they have never heard of them…. have to bring in the packet when it arrives to rule out any potential interference with chemo.
    thanks peter, this site is a godsend



    It’s very difficult to find a knowledgeable authority on mixing herbal/mushroom therapies with western medicine drugs. Few oncologists have this experience although a good naturopath may be able to help.

    I have been taking a pharmaceutical grade mushroom extract that I import from Japan with Xeloda for almost 8 months with good success but this should not be interpreted as an endorsement for what your Mom will do.



    is it ok to take these tablets while on this chemo. wont be with mum to ask the oncologist.

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