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    Hi Harry,

    Thanks for your detailed post on your mum and for letting us know more about her and her treatment. I too don’t think you sound like a layman either and you are doing everything that you can for your mum in seeking as much information that you can on CC. And yes, realistically optimistic is a much better description!

    Was it the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh where your mum was treated and operated on? If so, that is where our Kris had her surgery done as well. And it is good to hear that your mum is handling the chemo well and that she gets it at the Macmillan Borders centre as well. Macmillan are an organisation that I have a lot of time for and my dad had a Macmillan nurse that would come see him at home etc and she did so much good for my dad. Macmillan nurses are specialist cancer nurses and I am sure that they will do a great job with your mums pain management and other things if required. I assume that your mum has her own designated Macmillan nurse?

    Berwick is a place that has many fond memories for myself, my mum and my dad as we spent many summer holidays there years ago at the caravan park. I am sure that your parents know the park, and although I have never been to NYC, I am sure that it is a lot quieter in Berwick than what you are used to!

    You are right in that all of this is made easier by being part of this community. We don’t have all of the answers, but we do have the best support network that there is and I know that you will feel better by being a part of this community. So keep coming here and asking these questions when you have them. And please keep us updated on how your mum is doing.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Dear Lainey, realistically optimistic is a much better description and aspiration. I will share it widely and try to live up to it. A task made all the easier by the ability to be part of and learn from this community. Will keep updated. H


    Dear H, first allow me to say that you sound like anything BUT a layman, good job! Because of the rarity of CC we don’t listen to statistics and everyone really seems to be so different. I don’t feel you are pessimistic but perhaps you could convert what you are feeling to ‘realistically optimisitc’. Mum is taking her chemo well and we do have members that have been full of surprises. Make the most of your time as everyone should because we never know what is around a corner. We do have quite a few members from the UK and I just know you will be hearing from them shortly. Wish you and Gavin could meet up as it is the best feeling ever to meet one of our members. I hope Mum continues to do well with her chemo and please keep us posted.


    Hi all,

    As mentioned in my introduction my mother was diagnosed as recurrent Stage 4 CC two and a half weeks ago. As background she had long dealt with ulcerative colitis and over 5 years ago had a pantoprocolectomy and formation of ilealanal pouch. This had improved her quality of life but started creating issues about 2 years ago.

    The discussion about whether they should have been looking for CC can be left for another day, but last April the Doctors saw growths in her Bile duct. Further examination revealed that it had entered her liver and initially we were told that Resection (which I think is the correct word – I am a true layman) was not possible based on where it had got to. However further tests, plus my 58 year old mothers good overall health, allowed them to go ahead. The operation went well and as part of it they removed a few inflamed nodes. However the surgeon took other nodes further along and did not see infection. Mum was started on a course of Chemo, taken as a pill, that was to “just be safe”. Mum recovered well from surgery and was able to deal with chemo pretty well with only some sore feet and hands. Rightly or wrongly we interpreted the result as a lucky escape.

    However post chemo she started developing significant pain and lethagy that they could not explain or treat. Mum has had previous history of pain medication issues and depression (tied to previous colitis treatments) and I think this might have confused the situation. Either way it took a while to understand what going on and about 2 months in they did a scan and found growths in her Mesenteric fat. This was pushing on her nerves and causing considerable pain. So it was back.

    Mum was started on chemo of 3 cycles (2 on 1 off) of Gem/oxaliplatin, scan and then all going well 3 more cycles. She is in good spirits and active and the first two rounds of chemo have not really seemed to effect her. Hopefully it is doing its stuff. The management of her pain is still not perfect (apparently nerve pain is hard to get right) but it is much better than before Macmillan got involved. Her good health means that at moment it all seems a little surreal. She is off having a blood transfusion now as her blood count a little low and they thought it helpful as we planning a trip to London for her week off – she can rest there and have a nice change of scene.

    My parents live on the Scottish Border and my mother was initially treated and operated on in Edinburgh (Gavin we are practically neighbours). She is now getting her Chemo at Borders General Macmillan center with pain support from Macmillian in Newcastle/Berwick. I actually live in NYC but have moved back for a month to be with my family.

    So I am full of questions about her treatment and what is ahead. CC seems a pretty relentless disease and from the outside it seems that if a resection or transplant does not work, as in this case, then prognosis even with great response is not really that great (and certainly not what we expected for my beautiful and healthy mother). Well meaning friends keep referring to amazing remissions that so and so had but these seem to be other types of cancer. Of course you wish for the best but at the moment it feels that the best case scenario for prognosis is still pretty marginal in terms of extension of live (of course every day gained is magical, amazing things cans happen, every case is different etc…). If that is the case then it comes to making sure that we get as much as we can and that it is as comfortable and full of joy for my mother as possible. I am trying not to be defeatist but being realistic and aware of what future holds feels important – especially given the desire to be around as much as possible. Am I being too pessimistic?

    I will have plenty have of other questions but this seems a pretty important one to start…

    Best wishes,


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