Managing constipation from Zofran

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects Managing constipation from Zofran

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    my mom has issues with constipation. to help alleviate her symptoms, she takes Senna (natural laxative) – 4-5 tablets. Genearally you wouldn’t want to take too many laxatives daily but our oncologist said since its natural and if it helps her go , then its fine! She takes them every other day. She also added on a stool softener every evening. In the morning, I make her either oatmeal and I throw in flax seed and oat bran – lots of fiber! or I make her a HIGH fiber waffle- lots of OAT bran and high fiber waffle mix ( I like the brand Red Mill, you can find at whole foods or trader joes). In a previous post, I also asked about constipation, and someone recommended smoothies with coconut water – that really gets the bowels moving too! And of course, lots of green veggies, and less meat. Hope this helps.



    Dear Lorraine, you just never know what one will discover. I think it sounds like a splendid RX for any illness! I myself, love the nougats!


    I am currently receiving my first Gem/Cs regimen, half way through now. I haven’t had much problem from the drugs themselves yet, other than a day or two of mild flu-like symptoms and fatigue. A very low-grade nausea is well controlled with Zofran. My biggest problem so far related to the treatment has been that the Zofran resulted in severe constipation, so I have been working on a combination of fiber, diet, stool softeners, etc. that will keep my digestive system in balance. Interestingly, the final addition that seemed to really do the trick was eating a couple of diet chocolates every evening for dessert. Russell Stover chocolates, in addition to being very good, are sweetened with one or more sugar alcohols (look for sorbitol or maltitol on the ingredients list), which have a significant laxative effect for many people. So, a nice solution, overall!

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