Mayo Costs

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  • #28672

    The cost of a (deceased) liver transplant is around 300,000 — much depends upon how long you spend in the hospital. Living donor is around 400,00. the cost is also dependent upon the type of insurance you have, i.e. what rate that Mayo will bill to the insurance company.

    the protocol is pretty narrow – tumor has to be less than 3 cm, no metastis and no cystic duct involvement. My husband was initially listed and then removed because his tumor is 3.5 and there are tiny mets on the liver.

    I wish you all the best.


    The cost of a (deceased) liver transplant is around 300,000 — much depends upon how long you spend in the hospital. Living donor is around 400,00. the cost is also dependent upon the type of insurance you have, i.e. what rate that Mayo will bill to the insurance company.

    the protocol is pretty narrow – tumor has to be less than 3 cm, no metastis and no cystic duct involvement. My husband was initially listed and then removed because his tumor is 3.5 and there are tiny mets on the liver.

    I wish you all the best.


    When Lee and I went last year in April, you have 3 to 4 days of intense testing before you even see a doctor. The cost for the four days was around $27,000. We were very, very blessed to have wonderful insurance that paid for every penny. Lee was not a candidate for transplant. So needless to say, I can’t even begin to imagine how much that would all cost.

    Best wishes,


    Can anyone give a very general ballpark idea of what the cost is to go through the transplant program at Mayo? What about the fees just for the initial round of consultations?

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