MD Anderson

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  • #60175

    Thank you so much. It is so reassuring to have people who know what the
    situation is and so heartfelt to hear from you.

    Many, many thanks



    Hello Eileen…..your son, Trevor, has left big footprints in my heart.
    Please know that a tidal wave of good wishes is heading Trevor’s way and that everything possible is crossed for the upcoming visit with the physician to bring about the much awaited good news.



    I see dr. Javle. I love him. He really is a great person, and I can tell he really cares about me as a person and not just a patient.
    Md Anderson is huge!!! But everyone there is so helpful. We have even had doctors stop us in the hall when we looked confused to help us find our way.

    I wish your son all the best of luck. Rest easy knowing he is in good hands with dr. Javle.


    Hi Eileen,

    I am sorry to hear that Trevor is going through a rough time right now, please pass on all of our best wishes to him. And yes, you will be in very good hands indeed with Dr Javle at MD Anderson. I hope that you will get some good news on Monday when you see Dr Javle and please let us know how Trevor gets on with this. My fingers are crossed for you and tons of positive thoughts are also coming your way.

    Best wishes to you and Trevor,



    Eileen-I am sorry about your son, I am not familiar with your son’s story. I am a CC survivor due to a liver transplant, so I am really interested in what is happenning. I would appreciate knowing more if you have time to share.
    I hope Dr. Javle is a help, people post great things about him. My hero is Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
    Lots of prayers for your family and son-Cathy


    My mom is seeing Dr. Javle at MD Anderson, so far him and his staff have been very helpful and informative. Good luck with everything!!


    Hello Eileen, Trevor’s mother. You are in excellent hands with Dr. Javle and if there is a way he will find it! As for weight loss, this is common with CC. Instead of bigger meals let Trevor ‘graze’ all day. Little bits. Also try some nutritional drinks like Carnation Instant Breakfast. My husband loved the Vanilla and I would blend in a banana. This can be had for each meal and has enough nutrients to take the place of a meal. Home made soups work very well. Glad to have you join us but wish you didn’t have too.


    Hello, everyone,

    Many of you know my son, Trevor, who has occasionally posted on this
    board. He has been going through a rough time. His tumor markers have risen to 6500 and he has lost 10 lbs recently.

    Mayo Clinic could not offer us any trials because of his liver transplant. We have been in contact with Dr. Javle at MD Anderson in Houston Texas. He says we have options and we are going there next Monday.

    Does any body have experience at MD Anderson? We’ve heard it’s an excellent place to have treatment.

    I’m worried about my son’s physical condition as he has lost so much weight and he is exhausted most of the time.

    Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.


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