MD Anderson appt. for my husband

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    Kris – Dr. Vauthey was my friend’s surgeon and she loved him for his sense of humor, and his willingness to fight with her for her life. He’s considered “one of the best liver surgeons.” I always take that with a grain of salt. It’s hard to judge – there are so many doctors out there who are considered “the best.” The reality is that MD Anderson attracts the top tier of surgeons, oncologists, etc from all around the world. I think you’ll be in great hands with any one of them. I know that Dr. Vauthey’s boss is also extremely well regarded, but I do not know his name off the top of my head. I’ll make a call and post the name up later.


    Just to add to my last reply, you are definitely doing the right thing going to MD to get another opinion and hopefully the opportunity for successful surgery. I just want to say that if surgery is not possible don’t discount the treatment OSU can offer. At Pittsburgh they told us they felt my husband had received excellent care and were quite impressed with the results. The ability to be home and to be able to take better care of yourself with diet , rest and exercise has to be considered!You will also have the support of your friends and family. All I know is that everytime we go away for even a day my husband eats badly, he doesn’t get enough water, he’s tired etc and we are always glad to get home! Take care and good luck!! Mary


    Good luck Kris. I hope they can help at MD Anderson. Pittsburgh does have some different techniques of treatment. It is hard to know which is the best. Obviously surgery is the first choice and I hope they can do it at MD. Keep in touch. We are all hoping you get positive results from your trip !! Take care and best wishes! Mary


    Thank you Sara – do you have an experience with surgery at MD?


    I don’t know Dr. Curley, but Dr. Cathy Eng at MD Anderson is fantastic. MD Anderson is a little goofy with how they assign doctors, so I don’t know if you’ll be able to request a particular doctor or not, but I highly recommend her. She’s so nice, and on the fast track in the oncology community.


    First of all Mary, I have to say how happy I am for you and your husband!! For them to see no tumor is the best news any of us on these boards could hear. We have thought about going to Pittsburgh too. (we are in Ohio, at the James at OSU right now)

    Anyway, we did get an appt. for next Wed. the 31st at MD Anderson. We are seeing Dr. Steven Curley.

    Has anyone heard of him??? We have appointments here at Ohio State for Mon. and Tues. with the chemo and radiation Docs to see what they suggest. Then we can take that info with us on Wed. to MD Anderson and see what they think.

    This is such a nightmare as you all know. My husband was diagnosed on Dec. 11, 2006 and we still don’t have any treatment plan in place. Our Dr. here (Dr. Mark Bloomston) says this is a slow growing cancer. Everything is just taking so long to get something started.

    Anyway, was just wondering if anyone has heard of Dr. Curley or knows of any other Docs at MD that would be worth talking to. I know there are so many there, it’s supposed to be the best for livers???????

    Thank you everyone for your info.

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