MD Anderson podcast – Bile Duct Cancer – Rare but Numbers are Growing

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  • #72878

    Willow, I feel as you do. In my humble opinion, I believe it is environmental, fast and processed food. Take a look at Deli’s today in Super Markets. Ham, Turkey etc. to make sandwiches? Looking at how they appear, who would want to eat them. I absolutely cannot get myself to buy that stuff just from the way it looks. Last but far from least, I don’t trust most fish and especially Sushi. Sushi has a very young audience. Please keep in mind the Parasite ‘liver flukes’ found in fish in Asia. We do not really know how much fish is sent here for Sushi or if we may have flukes in fish on our shores. We sure get quite a few Members from the East and West Coast. Starting to get more also near the Great Lakes area. I stick to Salmon and trout. But I really don’t know can only guess. I do wonder all the time.


    I really wish they could figure out why intahepatic CC is rapidly on the rise…makes me suspect am environmental cause. Also, and I don’t know if this is a fact, but it seems like the number of people under age 60 diag with CC is also rising.


    Thank you Willow!


    Thanks, Gavin. You’re great at digging up info!


    Saw this tonight on twitter. From 2012 I think but worth a listen.

    Thomas Aloia, M.D., Assistant Professor in Surgical Oncology; Boris Blechacz, M.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; and Milind Javle, M.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Gastrointestinal (GI) Medical Oncology, all at The University of Texas MD Anderson, discuss the basics including treatment, and surgery options for bile duct cancer patients–mp3

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