MD Anderson Visit

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    Eileen…have any of the doctors mentioned the possibility of a gastrojejunostomy for Trevor?
    Please give Trevor a big hug.


    Eileen..After my resection in 2010 I was on 5-fu along with 4 other chemo meds…I received the 5-fu through an infusion pump over a 24 hour period. I did not have an side effects from any of those meds and I had a very good appetite which I think I can attribute to the steroids they would give me before treatment. I now have a recurrence after 2 years of clean scans. My tumor markers CA 19-9 CEA were never abnormal. I’m currently receivng Nexvar, Xeloda, Abraxane and Gemzar. I ‘am experiencing the hand/foot syndrome from the Nexavar and Xeloda combined. My oncologist did order an alpha-feta protein lab which was slightly elevated he seems to think this is the best tumor marker for CC. I wish you and your husband the best of luck in seeking treatment that will help with his nausea. As always praying for all affected by this disease.


    My best wishes for your daughter. Thanks for your update.


    My daughter is on 5-FU along with Gemcitabine. She was also on Cisplatin up until about a month ago. The 5-FU is delivered through a pump she wears for 48 hours. She handles the two very well. No real side effects. I don’t think it is too rough of a chemo. I can’t tell you about the tumor markers or appetite. Lauren has a good appetite and her markers are normal. She only has tumors in her liver. She has had no hand /foot problems. Hoping and praying for the best for Trevor.

    Love, -Pam


    We spent three days in Houston and visited with Dr. Javle who is a great doctor. He recommended 5fu. Trevor’s cancer is primarily located in the omentum/peritoneum. He spent 9 months on oxali/gem. Has anyone had any experience with 5fu? Trevor took it pre-liver transplant and seemed to tolerate well aside from hand/foot syndrome. Another peculiarity was that despite Trevor’s tumor markers increasing, his scans have remained stable.
    A symptom of Trevor’s tumor marker increase is his distension in his stomach.
    He is not able to anything down. Dr. Javle says it’s the walls of his stomach
    are closing up and nothing is able to push the food forward. He has tried taking Reglan, but that only makes things worse. Domperidone is coming in the mail in a few weeks. Hopefully this will help.

    Depending on how he reacts to the 5fu will his tumor markers decrease and appetite normalize?

    Thanks again for your help.

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