Meet us in Orlando

Discussion Board Forums Announcements Meet us in Orlando

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    Thank you Barbara for everything that you do for us all, it is so very much appreciated indeed!! What a star you are!!




    Thank you all for caring so much about all of your CC family.


    Dear Barbara, you are one amazing lady. You summed it all up so beautifully. You are truly an angel! Thank you so much and I hope your attitude is contagious!


    Thank you for the kind words. Percy, you are right – my perseverance and dedication is all in loving memory of my Jacques. You see. I had two choices when the love of my life passed away – do nothing and be angry that the beast called cholangiocarcinoma took my Jacques, or get involved to try to help find a way to help others facing what I went through. I’m so glad I chose the latter, which all came about from me looking for some answers when Jacques was diagnosed and I found the CCF website. I’m so glad I did, as I have met many wonderful people, Stacie – Marion – Percy – Dawn – Sara – Stella etc., and corresponded with many others over the last 6 years.
    Today was a great day. It is so exhilarating to hear all the positive comments and the interest from so many people I met from around the world today. I spoke with people from Brazil, Mexico, India, Chile, Egypt, Spain, Canada, France, Germany, England, Iraq and all across the US. We sure have come a long way from my first convention I attended when very few, if any, attendees even knew about Cholangiocarcinoma. Today, there are so many that have visited our site, referred patients to our site, or are very interested in the CCF. A few people stopped to talk to me and said they were glad to meet someone in person, as they love our site. It has so much information for patients, family members, physicians, researchers etc.
    Percy, you are amazing – attending as many sessions as possible. We need to get you a pair of roller skates, as you are all over the place. You are also very dedicated.
    If anyone out there is thinking of getting involved, but are unsure. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that after a long day of spreading awareness – when you put your head on the pillow at night – you will have a true sense of knowing you are making a difference! Do as little or as much as you want – The time you give is time well spent.
    Barbara from NH



    The dedication and perseverance being volunteering for six years shows where the heart she is at is the devotion to the memory of her beloved husband. It is as if this is the trait among those like Marion ,Stacy ( to her brother) ,Lainy and among others who devote their time ,effort and financial support.
    Thanks to all of you.

    God bless.


    Wanted to mention that our Barbara, for the last six years, has been volunteering her precious time to our organization. She attends numerous conferences on our behalf all the while holding down a full time job. Her employers are wonderful in accommodating her needs.
    Kudos to you, dear Barbara. You have contributed greatly to our success and you continue to be an important member of this organization.
    Thanks for all you do,


    Oh, I would LOVE to meet you, Barbara (Minnie) and Percy (Mickey) perhaps if one day you are in PHX again. Have a great session and a little fun in the evening. I sure hope you get to meet some members, I know we have a few in FLorida but not sure if they are near Orlando. Safe travel!


    Hello everyone,
    Well, I am in Orlando for DDW – Percy is here too – i have not seen him yet, but will tonight. The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation booth is all set up and ready to raise awareness in the morning.
    If anyone from the discussion board is in the Orlando area and would like to meet up with us, please let me know. Our days are busy – but there is tonight, Sunday or Monday night that we would love to meet you. We are on International Drive near all of the restaurants. I would love the chance to share my experiences of representing the foundation at numerous conventions for the past five years, since losing my Jacques in 2007 to Cholangiocarcinoma. It is an amazing feeling to know that I am raising awareness and trying to make a difference.
    Let me know if you have a little time to meet with Percy and I. We would love it.

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