Traditional chemo treatment delivers the highest doses possible to killl cancer cells along with good cells and more side effects. Metronomic is daily small dosages that are less damaging to healthy cells. This type of chemo treatment targets the endothelial cells found in tumor’s vessels. By killing endothelial cells, the blood supply is cut off. Without a blood supply, cancer cells may die or tumor may shruink Tumors with out blood supplies usually remain small within 3 millimeters. Metronic chemo is sometimes called anti-angiogenic. This treatment has little to no side effect due to the smaller dosages but more frequently. Researchers are hoping this will be a way to keep cancer in check. I found this infor on the mayo Clinic site I don’t know why this is not more commonly known. Read and evaluate for yourself if this site works or google search for more infor . I will be definitely checking in to this. It appears there is clinical trails for some cancers (catch 22 Phrase)
I hope this is of some interest for all and can be applicable in some way. I won’t know personally until I get time to check it out further. Just another tint of hope in possibally manging the growth of cancer who knows.
God Bless
Jeff P.S. I just tried the link it appears to work.